Tuesday, 23 August, 2011

The Government this month has given us some new information about the 'Big Society Bank' which could help support the growth of voluntary and charity organisations in Suffolk.

Friday, 19 August, 2011

"New unemployment figures for July 2011 are yet again a mixed bag.", says David Ruffley MP.

Friday, 19 August, 2011

David Ruffley MP welcomes the creation of two New Enterprise Zones in East Anglia that will help drive economic recovery in the area. Earlier in the summer, David Ruffley wrote to the Chief Executives of both the bidding Local Enterprise Partnerships to issue his strong support for both proposals.

Wednesday, 17 August, 2011

Do you think that there is a "war on the motorist"? That speed cameras and fines are doing no real good, and all the money raised is going down one big black hole?

Friday, 12 August, 2011

David Ruffley said: "New figures reveal the 'war on motorists' has bagged nearly 1 billion pounds for the Treasury since 1997."

Friday, 12 August, 2011

In the Daily Telegraph on 12/08/11 David Ruffley MP discusses the future of policing in the UK after the riots which happened across the UK this week.

Wednesday, 10 August, 2011

Stephen Hawking says he wants to discover a unified theory to explain the universe. Eric Pickles, the Local Government Cabinet Minister, this week said he wanted to do something equally difficult. Simplify Planning.

Wednesday, 3 August, 2011

David Ruffley writes three steps that will reform the police.

Thursday, 21 July, 2011

David Ruffley discusses the impact of Library closures in Suffolk

Friday, 15 July, 2011

David met with Head Teachers of local first, middle and upper schools at Thurston Community College to discuss the apparent derailing of the change to two tier schooling by the recent granting of Academy status to Needham Market Middle School, Combs Middle School and Stowmarket Middle School.