SPEEDING fines are costing drivers nearly four times more than when Labour came to power a decade ago.
MOTORISTS are paying four times more in speeding fines than when Labour came to power, according to figures obtained by the Conservatives.
REVENUE from speeding tickets has almost quadrupled to £200 a minute since Labour came to power.
SPEEDING fines are costing drivers nearly four times more than when Labour came to power a decade ago.
REVENUE from speeding tickets has almost quadrupled to £200 a minute since Labour came to power.
DISMISSIVELY nicknamed "plastic policemen'' and "Blunkett's bobbies'', Police Community Support Officers were getting a terrible press.
MINISTERS WERE at the centre of a row last night over the use of taxpayers' money to fund television documentaries.
MINISTERS WERE at the centre of a row last night over the use of taxpayers' money to fund television documentaries.
DISMISSIVELY nicknamed "plastic policemen'' and "Blunkett's bobbies'', Police Community Support Officers were getting a terrible press.