Daily Mail: Increase in Number of Persistant Young Offenders

Monday, 11 May, 2009

THE number of serial teenage criminals has rocketed by 60 per cent since Labour won power.

The figures emerged last night as it was revealed 5,000 schools now have a police officer stationed on the premises.

The crime data, obtained by Tory police spokesman David Ruffley , shows the number of persistent young offenders in England and Wales has increased from 9,868 in 1997 to 15,819 in 2008. And the number of offences by repeat criminals has risen by more than 80 per cent - from 16,010 in 1997 to 28,834 in 2008.

A persistent young offender is somebody who - having been convicted of three or more crimes - is re-arrested for a new offence within three years of their last sentencing.

Mr Ruffley said the figures 'make a mockery of Labour's promises to tackle youth crime'.

Meanwhile, Children's Secretary Ed Balls said 5,000 schools now take part in the Safer School Partnership programme, which sees a police officer stationed inside schools.