David Ruffley MP will be in the firing line for a Question Time style event to be held at West Suffolk House Council Chamber.
Mr Ruffley, who has recently raised questions about police bureaucracy in the House of Commons said, 'As shadow Police Minister, I have a detailed knowledge of this area. I have questioned Police Minister Nick Herbert MP, (see http://www.publications.parliament . uk/pa/cm201011/cmhansrd/cm110209/debtext/110209-0002.htm #11020962001604) about what is being done to cut red tape at the Home office and I have also questioned the Chief Constable of Suffolk Police, Simon Ash, about what he is planning to do to cut red tape at Police HQ in Suffolk. Cutting bureaucracy is fundamental to ensuring that police can be out on the beat and doing their job.
I am looking forward to a lively and informed debate this Friday.'
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