David Ruffley MP to Discuss Social Housing in West Suffolk
On Friday 4th of February 2011 David Ruffley MP will meet the Chairman and Chief Executive of the Suffolk Housing Society to talk about social housing in Suffolk.
David Ruffley said: 'Under the previous Government, the number of households on social housing waiting lists doubled to nearly 1.8 million. Despite spending £17 billion on social housing, it still managed to leave behind a failing, centrally-controlled system, which is in need of urgent reform. As a case in point, there are currently a quarter of a million overcrowded social homes, while over 400,000 are under-occupied.
That is why I am meeting the Suffolk Housing Society. We need to look again at the way people access social housing and the terms on which it is granted. That is why I support the measures being taken forward in the Localism Bill. The changes should serve to ensure that social housing works far more effectively by:
making the system fairer by striking a proper balance between the needs of new tenants on one hand and existing tenants on the other;
> ensuring that the support which social housing provides is focused on those who need it most for as long as they need it; and,
giving local authorities and housing associations new powers so that they can make best use of their housing.
I would urge my constituents to have a look at: Local decisions: a fairer future for social housing. 12pt">www.communities.gov.uk/publications/housing/socialhousingreform .'
Note to Editors:
The Suffolk Housing Society is a non-profit making housing association, whose main role is to provide and manage subsidised rented homes to those on low or modest incomes, including supported housing for older people and other vulnerable individuals. It provides homes for rent and shared ownership to help other people like first-time buyers and key public sector workers.
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