David Ruffley MP goes for school dinners at Ickworth Park Primary School.

Friday, 20 May, 2011

On 20 May David Ruffley will be joining the children of Ickworth Park Primary School for lunch as well as taking a tour of the classrooms.

Mr Ruffley said: 'We are entering a crucial phase in the school reorganisation of the Bury St Edmunds Pyramid. The overwhelming majority of primary schools in Bury want to proceed to a two tier system well before 2017 which was pencilled in as a deadline by Suffolk Local Education Authority.

I agree with my primary school Head teachers but this involves some big questions:

If primary schools start taking ten and eleven year olds, where is the funding to pay for this? Also, how are extra classrooms to be built on existing sites?

I discussed this with County Councillor Graham Newman, Education Portfolio Holder, in my office on 18 May. I am going to Ickworth Park Primary to see for myself what needs to be done on the ground. '