David Ruffley MP will be opening the Suffolk Local Broadband Conference on 9th March, at The Apex at 9.30am.
David Ruffley MP said: 'I will be the introductory speaker for the conference to discuss plans for improving broadband coverage and speeds in Suffolk.
The Government has put £530million into Better Broadband nationally- it is a priority for the Government. Suffolk has an allocation of some £11.68m from the Government.
Our high level aspirations are that 85-90% of the county will benefit from superfast broadband by 2015, with 100% benefiting from better speeds (a minimum of 2Mbps) in the same timeframe.
Uppermost in these interests is the importance of 100% coverage. There is a risk that anything agreed which does not include a 100% coverage and speed uplift elements, will see parts of Suffolk neglected with the easiest 85-90% receiving a fibre solution over the period and 10-15% seen as 'too difficult' as a result of being rurally isolated and too far from Exchanges and Cabinets
The impact of broadband coverage across the whole of Suffolk will be great as it will widen communication and bring Suffolk commerce into the twenty first century.'
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