David Ruffley MP receives good news from the Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt. Hon Philip Hammond MP.

Thursday, 24 March, 2011

On the 24th March, David Ruffley MP received a letter from the Secretary of State for Transport, the Rt. Hon Philip Hammond MP about potholes and local road damage.

Mr Ruffley said: 'I am pleased that the Secretary of State has written to me and is recognising that there is a problem with local roads. I am particularly concerned with the pothole damage on the A14 stretch between Bury St Edmunds and Needham Market.

In Philip Hammond's letter he advises me that £200 million of additional funding will be allocated to Local Authorities for the 'abnormal damage' caused this winter. I am also glad to see that Suffolk is going to receive a sizeable portion of this local road allocation - £4,441,187, which is fantastic when compared with our neighbours in Cambridgeshire who will receive £2,681,869. I am hoping that these additional funds will be used wisely and that the pothole problem which has affected the whole of Suffolk can be fixed.

The A14 is a vital highway between the Midlands and the Continent and it bisects directly through my constituency. Therefore I will be keeping a close eye on the progress of these repairs.'