David Ruffley MP pointed to new official figures obtained by Conservatives showing that the Government was failing to tackle its pledge to reduce arson in schools.
David said, 'Schools are frequently a prime target for arsonists and vandals; such crimes can devastate local communities by destroying children's place of education. Yet arson in schools rose by 12 per cent across England and Wales in the last year. There has been a 33% increase in school arson since 1997 and in the last year there has been an increase of over 100%. The Government had pledged to reduce arson by 30 per cent. Yet it has now cut this target to just 10 per cent. The Government is fiddling its own targets, lowering the hurdles it is failing to clear.'
'I fear the Government is not taking the problem of school vandalism seriously at all. Last month vandals caused thousands of pounds worth of damage to Stowmarket Middle School. Something must be done to sort out this increasingly serious problem.'
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