David Ruffley explained:
'The blackspot at Great Barton calls out for a camera solution. It has now come to my attention that the figures for the Great Barton area do after all meet the guidelines of four killed or seriously injured in the three previous years on a 1km stretch of road. I have written to the Suffolk Safety Camera Partnership to ask them to confirm that this data is correct, and that it is not the case, as has been claimed, that there have not been enough serious accidents to justify a camera in this area.
In addition, I am more generally launching a 10 point plan to restore confidence in local speed limits and how they are policed. The proposals announced by local Conservatives also tackle the controversial issue of speed cameras being used to generate income from the motorist rather than improve road safety.
I believe that the public have lost faith in the way speed limits are being enforced on Suffolk's roads- but this does not mean speed cameras everywhere. People believe that there is a 'war on the motorist', and that speed cameras are being used to raise money as cash cameras, not as safety measures. We want targeted speed limits- a new 20 mph limit near schools. This could be variable at times when the school is not in use.
Suffolk Conservatives want to restore people's confidence in speed limits and how they are policed. This means intelligent policing, honest information about speed cameras, and an emphasis on safe driving - not income generation.
As part of our plan, stricter speed limits around schools and parks would be used to help reduce child deaths. This will be coupled with Vehicle Activated Warning signs to alert drivers about their speed.
A full audit of every speed camera would be undertaken, in order to ensure that cameras are sited at accident black spots- like the fatal stretch of the A143 in Great Barton - rather than simply on roads where they raise the most revenue from fines.'
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