Local food is miles better' says Ruffley

Friday, 26 May, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today voiced his support for Farmers Weekly's 'Local Food is Miles Better' campaign.

To show his support for the campaign David Ruffley has signed Early Day Motion (EDM) 2256 which reads:

'That this House supports Farmer's Weekly's Local Food is Miles Better campaign; believes that buying locally grown food is an excellent way for consumers to reconnect with farmers and develop a better understanding of where their food comes from; recognises that producing and buying food locally can help the environment, boost the economy, and support British farming; and calls for supermarkets to promote, stock and label locally produced food to cut food miles and support local producers.'

David said:

'Buying locally produced food is a fantastic way of supporting local farming and at the same time helping the environment by cutting down on waste, transport and the associated carbon emissions.

'There is a wonderful array of local produce available to us in Suffolk. I encourage my constituents to go and sample some of this locally produced food; not only will they see the high standards to which it is produced but also how much fresher it is.

'By buying locally you can know far more about the food you are eating in terms of how and where it is produced; imported food may not be as healthy or produced to the same welfare standards.

'I hope that by signing this EDM I will draw attention to Farmers Weekly's thoroughly worthwhile campaign and press Supermarkets to do more to promote, stock and clearly label local food.'