Ruffley applauds St Edmundsbury Borough Council for green Council Tax credit

Friday, 12 May, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today welcomed the news that St Edmundsbury Borough Council will be offering a £50 Council Tax credit to people installing cavity wall insulation via a British Gas scheme.

At present £1 in every £3 spent on heating is currently wasted by the 10 million British homes with insufficient insulation, according to the independent Energy Saving Trust (EST).

Under the British Gas scheme, it will cost approximately £200 to have cavity wall insulation in the average home, which EST says can reduce heating bills by up to £120 a year, when fitted to a three-bedroom house.

David said:

'This is a fantastic initiative and I support it without reservation. It gives homeowners the chance to make their homes more energy efficient, at a subsidised rate, and in return they will receive a Council Tax credit.

'The initial outlay will be rapidly recouped and owners of a three bedroom house could see savings of £1200 over ten years. I applaud St Edmundsbury Borough Council for running the scheme and once again underlining their environmentally friendly credentials.

'It is vital that we begin to address the environmental issues that are so vital to our future. We're all in this together and we need to recognise we have a shared responsibility to act. All of us together- Government, business, families and individuals- must play our part.'