Ruffley backs Radio West Suffolk

Monday, 24 November, 2008

David Ruffley MP has this week given his backing to a bid to turn Radio West Suffolk, a volunteer-run radio station which broadcasts to patients at West Suffolk Hospital, into Bury St Edmunds first community radio station.

In order to realise this aim, and broadcast to the wider Bury St Edmunds area, Radio West Suffolk is running a fund-raising campaign, sourcing grants from within the Suffolk area, the East of England Development Agency and the National Lottery.

David said:

'I am pleased to give my support to this incredibly worthwhile initiative. Bury St Edmunds is currently served by some excellent countywide radio stations, however, there is a definite gap in the airwaves for a broadcaster that concentrates solely on our town.

'Radio West Suffolk's team of 40 volunteers currently deliver over 50 hours of live programming each week- this outstanding level of commitment shows that the station is well placed to make a bid for a wider audience.

'If successful, Radio West Suffolk will extend its service beyond West Suffolk Hospital, bringing all those who live and work in Bury St Edmunds a high-tech community radio station dedicated to news, events and developments in our town.

'Radio West Suffolk already does a fantastic job making patients' hospital stays that bit more bearable. I would be delighted to see the station grow and become a strong voice for everyone in Bury St Edmunds.'