Ruffley Celebrates Completion of Southgate Green/Cullum Road Pedestrian Crossing

Wednesday, 14 September, 2005

David Ruffley MP and Borough Councillor, Paul Farmer, this week celebrated the completion of the pedestrian crossing at the Southgate Green/Cullum Road junction close to the roundabout with local resident, Mrs Yvonne Arratoon.

The installation of this pedestrian crossing follows a long campaign by the Southgate Green Action Group which David supported. He personally intervened with Jerry Massey, Corporate Director, Economy and Environment at St Edmundsbury Borough Council, in support of the campaign initiated by residents and Cllr Paul Farmer following representations he received from Mrs Arratoon who led the campaign. The crossing provides a safe route across this busy road close to the roundabout.

David said: 'A pedestrian crossing was clearly needed at this busy site which is part of the Bury ring road and carries a high volume of traffic, particularly at peak times. I was only too pleased to lend my personal support to the excellent campaign initiated by my constituents living in this area. Over 400 people signed the petition in favour of a crossing which demonstrates the strength of feeling on this issue. Persistence and people power has paid off and my constituents now have a much safer route across the ring road.'