Ruffley Chairs Police Open House Forum at Rickinghall

Tuesday, 9 September, 2003

David Ruffley will chair the Police Forum organised by WPC Pauline Shadbolt, the local Community Beat Officer, to be held at Rickinghall Village Hall from 7.00-9.00 p.m. on Friday, 12 September.

All residents from Rickinghall and surrounding villages are invited to attend.

WPC Shadbolt was keen to arrange a 'parish surgery' open meeting at which representatives of local public services will be present to offer advice and information in an informal atmosphere. They include Suffolk Fire Service, Crime Prevention Panel, Neighbourhood Watch, Parish Councils, Mid Suffolk District Council and Suffolk County Council.

David Ruffley will speak and answer questions from the floor at 8.00 p.m.

David said: 'This is an excellent initiative by the police. I was only too pleased to accept WPC Pauline Shadbolt's invitation to attend the meeting. I hope local residents will make full use of the opportunity to meet their local police officers and discuss issues that concern them. Law and order is high on people's priorities and features heavily in my postbag week in week out. By making themselves available to the public in a village hall setting can only be good for community relations. As well as answering questions from the floor I will also be happy to discuss matters with constituents later in the evening if prefer to talk to me privately.'