Ruffley gives cautious welcome to NATS' decision to delay second Air Traffic consultation until September 2010

Tuesday, 27 October, 2009

David Ruffley MP has welcomed the announcement by National Air Traffic Services (NATS) that their second consultation on air traffic routes over Suffolk has been put back until at least September 2010- but he cautions against believing that this is a permanent reprieve for his constituents affected by the proposals to stack aircraft over some of the most tranquil villages in his constituency.

David campaigned hard on behalf of his constituents living in villages to the west of Stowmarket- including Drinkstone, Felsham, Gedding and Rattlesden- whose peace and quiet will be destroyed if aircraft approaching Stansted from the east are stacked over their homes- known as the Stansted Eastern Hold.

David joined forces with the Save Our Silence Action Group (SOSAG), many of whose members are his constituents, to present a united front to oppose NATS' proposals.

David said:

'While I welcome NATS' announcement, which shows that they are taking our views seriously, this is not the end of the matter. My constituents living in villages to the west of Stowmarket will continue to suffer uncertainty until this matter is settled.

'NATS have not ruled out stacking aircraft over my constituency and they are still saying that doing nothing is not a long term option. They will also be making some smaller changes before next year's consultation.

'I intend to carry on the fight against aircraft being stacked over some of the most tranquil villages in my constituency and I will be keeping a close eye on any changes they make before next year's consultation.

'We have succeeded in keeping these aircraft at bay so far but we must continue to keep up the pressure on NATS to ensure that our victory is permanent.'