Ruffley intervenes with County Council in Stowmarket parking campaign

Monday, 17 November, 2008

David Ruffley has intervened with Suffolk County Council to demand that residents of the Crown Street/Cardinalls Road area of Stowmarket get answers to their concerns about proposed parking restrictions in their area.

A public meeting has been called for Friday 21 November at 7.00pm at the Stowmarket Resource Centre in Crown Street to which Suffolk County Council officers were invited but have declined to attend.

David was approached by residents in the Crown Street/Cardinalls Road area of Stowmarket who are strongly opposed to the additional parking restrictions proposed by Suffolk County Council.

If these proposals go ahead they fear they will lose up to 100 parking spaces in the area. Residents have been left with the impression that no thought has been given to where 100 displaced cars can be parked.

David said: 'This is the most vociferous campaign against parking restrictions I have encountered in my eleven years as MP for Stowmarket. Residents have been left with the impression that no thought has been given to where 100 displaced cars can be parked.

'I have written to Lucy Robinson, Director for Environment and Transport at Suffolk County Council, urging her to reconsider her refusal to send a council officer to the meeting.

'My Stowmarket constituents are angry that they were not consulted directly and even more angry at the refusal of the County Council to send an officer to the public meeting.

'An officer's attendance will not commit the County Council to anything. But a constructive dialogue at the meeting is more likely to lead to realistic suggestions being put forward by members of the community in their written responses to the consultation. It will also help residents to understand what is not possible.'