Ruffley joins All-Party Group and signs House Of Commons Motion in support of Stroke Victims

Monday, 16 January, 2006

David Ruffley MP has joined the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Stroke in the House of Commons.

The aims of the Group are to raise awareness of stroke and to encourage actions to promote a greater priority for stroke prevention, treatment, rehabilitation, research and care both nationally and locally.

To reinforce his support for stroke victims, David has signed House of Commons Early Day Motion 1186 on the 'National Audit Office Report on Treating Strokes' which relates to the recently published report on stroke care and the need for action to improve the current provision of stroke care.

David said: 'Having lost both my mother and father to strokes at a relatively young age I am keen to support this. Stroke is the third biggest killer and therefore affects a huge number of my constituents. I want to do all I can to support victims of stroke and their families.'

The full text of the EDM is as follows:

That this House welcomes the publication of the National Audit Office's (NAO's) report on stroke, Reducing Brain Damage; believes that through treating stroke as a medical emergency much more can be done to ensure efficacy in stroke care; is concerned at the shortfalls identified in service provision, despite some recent progress; notes with concern the huge cost to society, the NHS and the wider economy that stroke represents each year; is disturbed at the large disparities in investment and service provision between stroke and coronary heart disease revealed in the report; shares the view of the NAO and the Stroke Association that stroke should be given a much higher priority by the Government and the NHS; and calls on the Government to take urgent action to address the NAO's recommendations, not least to tackle the alarming lack of awareness of stroke.