David Ruffley MP will be one of the key speakers at the London rally to be held on Thursday 19 June- the day the National Air Traffic Services (NATS) consultation closes.
The event, organised by Airport Watch to protest against the air traffic proposals, will bring together campaigners from throughout the Eastern Region.
Campaigners will assemble near the southern end of Waterloo Bridge on the west side of the bridge near the National Film Theatre.
David will link up with campaigners from his own constituency at about 12.15pm, including members of the Save Our Silence Action Group, many of whom live in Drinkstone, Felsham, Gedding and Rattlesden, some of the villages most affected by the NATS proposals
David will speak at approximately 12.45pm. He will specifically highlight his opposition to the proposed Stansted Eastern Hold, in which air traffic heading for Stansted from the east will circle over villages to the west of Stowmarket.
Following the speeches at the rally, campaigners will cross Waterloo Bridge to hand in a letter at the NATS London office.
David said:
'There is huge opposition to the NATS proposals from my constituents in villages such as Drinkstone, Felsham, Gedding and Rattlesden. Their presence at this rally in London shows just how strongly they feel.
'I have already submitted my formal response to NATS and demanded a meeting with them but I also wanted to show solidarity with my constituents by attending and speaking at this London rally.
'The consultation against these proposals- which will blight some of the most tranquil villages in my constituency- may be drawing to a close but the campaign against them goes on!'
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