Ruffley launches campaign to find a Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Needham Market or village hero

Wednesday, 24 January, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today launched a campaign to find a local hero in his constituency.

The winner will receive their award on 26 June 2007 at the MPs' Heroes Tea Party 2007 at the House of Commons.

This national award ceremony is organised by the Experience Corps and will be hosted by the Chairman of the All Party Parliamentary Group on the Community and Voluntary Sector, Tom Levitt MP. Each participating MP will present their local hero with their award during the official ceremony in the Members' Dining Room.

The award aims to recognise the community contributions made by older volunteers across the UK

David has set up a special email address for Suffolk residents to email him with their nomination for the award. Nominations can also be sent to David at the House of Commons.

Nominations need to be clearly marked 'Local Heroes' and sent to David by Wednesday 28 February including, in no more than 250 words, an explanation of why the nominee should receive the award.

David said:

'This award is for the unsung hero in our community.

'There are many people across Suffolk who work for the good of our community without reward, without seeking recognition for their efforts and without realising the real difference they make.

'I am sure there are many worthy candidates across the constituency and I want the people of Suffolk to speak and let me know who they are.

'Local people who wish to make a nomination should write to me at the House of Commons or email me via by 28 February.

'Selecting the winning candidate will be an incredibly difficult task but I look forward to meeting with my constituency's local hero and presenting them with their award at the MPs' Heroes Tea Party award ceremony at the House of Commons in June.'