Ruffley to lead Needham Market Scouts' debating session

Wednesday, 8 November, 2006

David Ruffley MP will be visiting Needham Market Scouts and Explorers on Friday 10 November between 7 and 8pm.

David will have a chance to chat informally with the Scouts and Explorers before leading a debating session on two issues they have selected.

The topics for debate are:

1. Girls in Scouting

2. The SnOasis development

David said:

'I really am looking forward to this visit to Needham Market Scouts and Explorers.

'Not only will I have the opportunity to chat informally with the group but in addition I will be leading a debate on two issues of the utmost importance to them.

'It will be of great interest to hear what the local Scouts and Explorers think about the proposed SnOasis development- they are an age group that often do not have a voice, all too frequently we talk to young people and do not listen to what they have to say.

'I hope that after my visit I will have a better idea of the kind of Suffolk young people want to see and what politicians, such as myself, can do to make that a reality.'