Ruffley opposes phone mast in Cullum Road

Tuesday, 25 January, 2005

Ruffley calls for independent review of mobile masts

David has this week opposed the erection of a mobile phone mast in Cullum Road, Bury St Edmunds. He has leafleted the local area encouraging the public to have their say during the now closed consultation process.

David has also called, once again, for a change in the law surrounding mobile phone masts demanding that full planning permission must be needed. Following the findings of a new study into mobile phones by Professor Sir William Stewart, Chairman of the National Radiological Protection Board, David Ruffley MP has called on the Deputy Prime Minister to carry out a review of the planning process for Mobile Masts.

David said:

'I know from the number of constituents who contact me that the possible health danger of mobile phone masts remains an important local issue for a great many people. I have again contacted all concerned residents with this latest development.

'The recent independent Stewart Report calls for a review of the planning process for base stations. Under John Prescott, decisions on the location of mobile phone masts have been allowed to ride roughshod over local, environmental and safety concerns. Conservatives have been calling for a change in planning rules which currently allow the location of poorly-sited mobile phone masts regardless of local opinion.

'The Conservative Opposition are committed to plans where by all mobile phone masts would be required to have full planning permission, with health concerns being taken into account too. We must address the feelings of powerlessness and frustration experienced by those living under the threat of badly sited masts. Local councillors, answerable to local residents via the ballot box, should have the final say on where these masts go."