Ruffley organises party to celebrate the work of 'Local Hero' Ernie Broom

Thursday, 5 July, 2007

David Ruffley MP has organised a party for local people to celebrate the outstanding contribution made to the community by Mr Ernie Broom.

Ernie recently received a national award at the House of Commons recognising him as an MP's 'Local Hero'.

To allow the local community in Bury St Edmunds to celebrate Ernie's success and thank him for his efforts David Ruffley has organised a party on Friday 6 July between 5 and 7pm at the Newbury Centre on the Howard Estate.

Over 100 people are expected to be in attendance and sandwiches and refreshments will be served.

The local media are invited to attend and recognise Ernie's achievement.

David said:

'Ernie Broom is one of the most selfless individuals you could hope to meet.

'He has been serving the local community for decades and gets up each morning thinking about how he can make the world a better place.

'I am delighted to have organised this event so that I, and the residents of the town, can meet and say to Ernie 'thank you for all that you do on our behalf'.

'I hope that as many people as possible turn out to thank Ernie for the truly outstanding contribution he makes to Bury St Edmunds.'