Ruffley signs House of Commons motion on child poverty and deprivation

Friday, 2 March, 2007

David Ruffley MP, David Cameron's Welfare Reform Minister, has signed Early Day Motion (EDM) 912 entitled 'Unicef Report on Child Poverty and Deprivation in Britain.

The full text of the EDM is as follows:

That this House notes with deep concern that the UK is ranked bottom of 21 OECD nations in terms of child well-being in UNICEF's report `Child poverty in perspective'; further notes that this report is further evidence of the Government's lack of progress in tackling the root causes of child poverty and deprivation; pays tribute to the work done by the organisations involved in the Campaign to End Child Poverty in raising the profile of this issue; recognises the importance of relative income measures of poverty; shares UNICEF's assessment that economic poverty alone is an inadequate measure of a child's overall well-being; and calls on the Government, as well as addressing income poverty, to do more to address the broader set of corrosive social problems which are undermining the well-being of British children, and in particular to address the breakdown of family support for children.

David said:

'I have huge numbers of calls from UNICEF supporters in the Bury St Edmunds area and I am delighted to be able to sign this House of Commons Early Day Motion.

'3.4 million children live in poverty in the UK today. That's more than a quarter of all children and is deeply shocking given the wealth of our nation.

'The campaign to End Child Poverty includes children's and other charities, social justice groups, faith-groups, trade unions, businesses and many others concerned about the unacceptably high levels of child poverty in the UK who are working together for change. This campaign has made admirable efforts in raising the profile of this issue.

'I hope that by signing this House of Commons Early Day Motion I can apply pressure on the Government to address the complete lack of progress they have made in tackling the root causes of child poverty and deprivation.'