Ruffley: Standing up for Suffolk's farming community

Thursday, 5 October, 2006

David Ruffley MP will be attending a meeting with Suffolk farmers and NFU representatives on Friday 6 October at 3.30pm.

David keeps in regular contact with farmers across his constituency and ensures he is continually updated on the problems facing the community in an increasingly competitive environment.

David said:

'It is always incredibly worthwhile to meet with Suffolk's farming community.

'This is a difficult time for farming but we have some fantastic local produce here in Suffolk and farmers are the lifeblood of our local economy.

'Earlier this year I signed House of Commons Early Day Motion 2256, in support of Farmers Weekly's 'Local Food is Miles Better' campaign, because by buying locally you can know far more about the food you are eating in terms of how and where it is produced; imported food may not be as healthy or produced to the same welfare standards.

'I look forward to sitting down and listening to the concerns of our farming community and hearing what elected politicians in Westminster can do to better help their cause.'