Ruffley stands up for local residents over town centre licensing application: 'We need to ensure Bury St Edmunds retains its unique charm and character'

Friday, 14 July, 2006

David Ruffley MP has today written to Licensing Services at St Edmundsbury Borough Council in support of local residents' objections to a licensing variation application from the Queen's Head Public House in Churchgate Street, Bury St Edmunds.

The Queen's Head has applied to extend its licence for alcohol on sales until 2.30 am every day and until 5.00 am for alcohol off sales.

In addition the Queen's Head has asked that the compulsory provision of doormen on certain nights of the week be removed from their licence.

David said:

'Local residents are up in arms about this licence variation application and rightly so.

'There needs to be a distinction made between Public Houses in predominantly residential areas, such as the Queen's Head, and night clubs situated away from the town centre.

'If this licence were granted it would give the Queen's Head the latest seven day a week licence of any pub or club in the whole of Bury St Edmunds.

'The application for an off sales licence until 5.00 am is equally worrying and this is a precedent that should not be set in our historic town centre. Local residents should not have to put up with listening to bottles being loaded and unloaded at such an anti social hour.

'We need to maintain the unique charm and character of Bury St Edmunds and I will be reminding St Edmundsbury Borough Council of this in the strongest possible terms.'