Ruffley supports Evening Star's call for answers from Blair

Wednesday, 28 September, 2005

David Ruffley MP has today written to Tony Blair, enclosing a copy of the Evening Star's article of 27 September, urging him in the strongest possible terms to respond to the crisis in Suffolk's health service.

David said:

'The Evening Star is right to call Tony Blair to account on the state of our health service and I give them my full support.

'The NHS in Suffolk receives nearly 20 percent less per person per year than the national average. This is inexcusable. Our hard working nurses and doctors are simply not getting the resources they need to do their job.

'The Prime Minister told the Labour Party conference yesterday that more money than ever was reaching the NHS. Why then is our health service facing such drastic cutbacks? The money is not reaching the front line. It is a simple fact that there were fewer overnight beds in our hospitals last year than in 2000 when this Government pledged to fund an extra 7000 beds.

'The Government has failed the NHS in Suffolk and failed the people of Suffolk. We deserve answers from the Prime Minister and I have today written to him, enclosing a copy of the Evening Star's article, urging him to respond.'