Ruffley supports police consultation

Wednesday, 23 November, 2005

'The views of the people of Suffolk must not be brushed aside.'

'I encourage all my constituents who are concerned about our county's emergency services to take part in this consultation.'

David Ruffley MP has today highlighted the importance of the Suffolk Police Authority consultation on the restructuring of the region's police forces.

The police authorities and forces in the Eastern Region are being asked to consider three options:

1. Merging Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire, Norfolk and Suffolk police forces into one regional force.

2. Suffolk to merge with Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.

3. Suffolk to merge with Essex and Norfolk.

Suffolk Police Authority had put forward a fourth option of an enhanced Suffolk Constabulary continuing to police the county of Suffolk. However, the Home Office ruled out this option.

The Police Authority are examining the three remaining proposals in detail before submitting a preferred option to the Home Office before Christmas.

The residents of Suffolk are being encouraged to write to the following address to let Suffolk Police Authority know their views:

Ian Rands, Suffolk Police Authority, Police Headquarters, Martlesham Heath, Ipswich IP5 3QS

David said:

'The future of Suffolk's police force is at stake. The people of Suffolk do not want to lose their local service into some massive regional entity covering areas as diverse as rural Suffolk and urban Hertfordshire.

'Despite opposition from many local politicians the Government is pressing ahead with expensive and unwanted plans to deprive the people of Suffolk of their contact with their local police force.

'This is regionalisation by the back door and my concern is that it will take more power away from our democratically elected County and Borough Councillors.

'The views of the people of Suffolk must not be brushed aside. I encourage all my constituents who are concerned about our county's emergency services to take part in this consultation and let me know their views via my website at'