Ruffley supports Royal Anglians in House of Commons motion

Monday, 4 February, 2008

David Ruffley MP has today announced that he has signed House of Commons Early Day Motion (EDM) 95 to show his support for the Royal Anglian Regiment and all of our armed forces.

EDM 95 reads:

That this House recognises the bravery, dedication and sacrifice of members of the armed forces serving in Afghanistan and Iraq; applauds the Daily Mirror's Honour the Brave campaign; and calls on the Government to ensure all personnel in the Army, Royal Navy and Royal Air Force killed or wounded in enemy action are awarded a medal.

David said:

'This House of Commons Motion highlights an incredibly important issue and I put my name to it without hesitation. It is of the utmost importance that our armed forces get the recognition they deserve.

'Here in Suffolk we are particularly proud of the contribution made by the Royal Anglian Regiment to the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. I am determined to ensure that these men and women, some of whom lost their lives defending our nation, are treated with respect by this Government.

'This EDM calls on the Government to ensure that all military personnel killed or wounded in enemy action are awarded a medal. This is the very least they deserve and I will be fighting tooth and nail to see that it is the case.

'I hope that by supporting this House of Commons Motion that all our local servicemen and women, at Honington, Wattisham and the Gibraltar Barracks in Bury St Edmunds, will see that they have support in the House of Commons and that the sacrifices they make are appreciated by us all.'