Ruffley takes Government to task over delays to Stowmarket Relief Road

Tuesday, 25 September, 2007

'It is time for the new Prime Minister's new Transport Secretary to show what she can do for Stowmarket.'

David Ruffley has today written to Ruth Kelly, Secretary of State for Transport, following further delays in the start date for the B1115 Stowmarket Relief Road. David is urging her to look into the matter urgently and give him a personal assurance that her Department will give immediate funding approval for this important scheme so that construction can commence.

Suffolk County Council had hoped to start construction this summer but this has now been put back to mid-November at the earliest- and this is still dependant on Government approval being received in the very near future.

The scheme had to go through a Public Inquiry in January 2006 but, despite the Inspector submitting his report to the Secretary of State fairly promptly, it took until July 2006 for Suffolk County Council to receive a decision on the Inquiry from the Government. Five months were lost.

The County Council submitted their request for Conditional Approval of the scheme to the Government in December 2006. Eight months has elapsed and they are still waiting for a decision.

David said: 'My constituents are sick and tired of delay after delay on this scheme. It is not good enough that bureaucrats in Whitehall sit on this for months on end. Stowmarket is expanding so congestion, especially at the rail crossing, is getting worse and worse. I have asked the Secretary of State to give me a personal assurance that a decision will be made immediately. We have waited long enough. It is time for the new Prime Minister's new Transport Secretary to show what she can do for Stowmarket.'