Ruffley urges residents to sign his petition against Stowmarket freight distribution scheme

Thursday, 7 June, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today released details of a visit he is making to the site of the proposed controversial freight distribution centre near Stowmarket.

David will be visiting the site on Friday 8 June at 11am along with Fred Hillyer and other residents to hear the views of local people and to see, at first hand, the impact the proposed scheme will have on the surrounding area.

David has also launched a petition, in support of local residents, against the proposed scheme at

David said:

'I opposed this proposed development when it was first mooted in 2003 and I oppose it now.

'I share the concerns of local people about having a facility of this nature on their doorstep.

'Of course commercial development is necessary but a degree of common sense must be employed when deciding on a location. This site, so close to the Cedars Park estate, is not suitable for a scheme of this nature.

'This scheme will generate additional HGV traffic on the A14, together with vastly increased noise and pollution. Questions need to be asked about how environmentally friendly this initiative is.

'As an MP I am always told that major developments will create 'jobs in the area' to that I say two things- firstly will it really be over 1,000 jobs? Secondly will these jobs be for local people or those out of the area? We need these questions answered.

'I will listen to the views of local people during my visit and urge those who oppose the scheme to sign my online petition at'