Ruffley's House of Commons Question reveals shocking underfunding of Suffolk's roads

Thursday, 20 March, 2008

David Ruffley MP has today released new House of Commons figures which reveal that Suffolk roads receive some of the worst central Government funding in the East of England.

In 2007/08 Suffolk County Council is being given £25million for its transport initiatives. This compares with the £62million provided to Cambridgeshire County Council and the £37million provided to Norfolk County Council.

The figures were obtained during David's questioning of Rosie Winterton MP, Minister of State at the Department for Transport.

David said:

'I am staggered that Suffolk continues to receive some of the worst central Government funding in the East of England for road transport initiatives.

'In 2007/08 Suffolk County Council will be receiving less than half the funding provided to Cambridgeshire.

'To put this into perspective; Cambridgeshire County Council receive £21 of funding per mile of road in the country compared with Suffolk County Council's £6.

'There are initiatives across Suffolk, such as the Great Barton by-pass, which are continually put on the back burner due to a lack of funding. Were Suffolk to receive the level of investment enjoyed by its neighbours this and other projects would be a reality.

'This is not just about getting a fair deal for Suffolk it is about saving lives on our roads. The A143 is one of the most dangerous roads in Suffolk and it is desperately in need of investment.

'It defies belief that Cambridgeshire receives three times as much funding per mile of road than Suffolk. I will be raising this matter with the Secretary of State and demanding that Suffolk gets the funding it deserves.'