Ruffley's road safety investigation reveals Suffolk uninsured driver problem

Wednesday, 28 November, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today released new House of Commons figures which reveal that Suffolk has more of a problem with uninsured drivers than neighbouring Norfolk and Cambridgeshire.

In 2004, the latest year for which figures are available, 5,178 proceedings took place at Suffolk Magistrates Courts for the offence of using a motor vehicle uninsured against third party risks. In Norfolk and Cambridgeshire this figure stood at 5,084 and 3,120 respectively.

The figures were obtained through David's questioning of Vernon Coaker, Parliamentary Under Secretary at the Home Office.

David said:

'These statistics suggest that, while there has been a slight decrease in the number of offenders, Suffolk seems to have more of a problem with uninsured drivers than neighbouring Cambridgeshire and Norfolk.

Clamping down on uninsured drivers is vital to keeping our roads a safer place to be for the vast majority of Suffolk's residents who are law abiding.

'Uninsured drivers are a blight on our community and I applaud our local police force's efforts to stamp them out- congratulations should be offered to Suffolk Constabulary for ensuring some many of the offending motorists in our county were caught and prosecuted.'