Suffolk public rejects EU constitution

Tuesday, 7 June, 2005

In the wake of 'No' votes in both France and the Netherlands local people have had their say on the proposed EU constitution.

In an online survey conducted by David Ruffley MP on his interactive website local people delivered a resounding 'No' to plans for a new EU constitution and called overwhelmingly for powers to be brought back to this country.

A total of 333 local people have so far taken part in this online survey with 75% saying 'No' to the constitution and less than 10% voting in favour. 85% of respondents also want to see the Government bring back powers to this country.

David said:

'The British people may have been denied a referendum so far by this Government but the local people who have contacted me have given a clear rejection of the direction being taken. It is evident that the local people are not happy with the loss of powers to the European Union. They do not want to see a new EU Constitution and they do not want to see a single European currency.

'What they want is the return of power to this country where it belongs. I support the views of local residents and will continue to campaign on the views of the silent British majority who feel they are not being listened to by their Government.'