Victims Of Crime In Suffolk Are Suffering From Ineffective Criminal Justice System Warns Ruffley: New Figures Tell Shocking Story

Tuesday, 3 December, 2002

David Ruffley MP warned today that Suffolk's criminal justice system is being undermined by offenders who simply walk away from paying fines. In an open letter to the Chief Executive of Suffolk Magistrates' Courts Committee, Mr John Rodley, David Ruffley MP asked for new and better methods to be introduced to improve this serious problem.

David Ruffley said, "Essex has a payment rate for fines of 75% whilst in Suffolk the figure is lower at 70%. The failure to collect fines has been highlighted in the Public Accounts Committee report which was published this week. The report states that 'the payment of fines appears to be almost voluntary over much of the country'.

"Victims of crime who are awarded compensation receive their awards only when the offender pays the courts. At present, payments to Suffolk's victims can be delayed by months or years, or may never happen if the offender disappears. These delays are doing little to restore victims' faith in the criminal justice system.

"I have written to the Chief Executive of the Suffolk's Magistrates Courts Committee, to ask him to look into the processes that are being used in Suffolk to collect theses fines. Suffolk Magistrates' Courts Committee is not succeeding in collecting fines and its collection rates are behind those of neighbouring counties of Norfolk and Essex.

"The Lord Chancellor's Department and Suffolk Magistrates Court Committee must ensure that the weaknesses in the system are overridden so that victims of crime can be adequately supported."