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David Ruffley MP


Local Government

Bury St Edmunds Town Council

Mid Suffolk District Council

Needham Market Town Council

St Edmundsbury Borough Council

Stowmarket Town Council

Suffolk County Council

Local Business

Suffolk Business Web

Bury St Edmunds Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Suffolk Chamber of Commerce

Suffolk Business Link

Local Media

Anglia TV

BBC Suffolk

Bury Free Press

East Anglian Daily Times

The Evening Star

Moreton Hall Community Newsletter


The Countryside Alliance

Bury St Edmunds Website

Suffolk Net Directory

Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch

Anglia Water

Bury St Edmunds Citizens Advice Bureau

Bury St Edmunds Volunteer Centre

Rethink Disability

Bury St Edmunds Samaritans

Bury St Edmunds Women's Aid Refuge

West Suffolk Voluntary Association for the Blind

Counselling Directory



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