I have been the local Member of Parliament for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, and Needham Market since 1997 and enjoy representing this historic and beautiful Suffolk constituency.
In the May 2005 General Election I increased my majority by nearly four times to just under 10,000. I felt that this was an endorsement of the work I had done for the constituency since 1997.
In December 2005 I was delighted to be appointed by David Cameron, the Leader of the Conservative Opposition, as the new Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform.
I hope that my website will give you an insight into how I work on your behalf as the local MP. I have also provided information on Parliamentary and Opposition matters that you may find useful.
Hot Local Issues
Save the West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Department
David Ruffley has launched an online petition to save the A & E Deparment at the West Suffolk Hospital.
click here to sign the petition