David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

Your Questions Answered

I don't know who my MP is. How do I find out?

You can either ring the House of Commons Information Office on 020 7219 4272 or visit the following website, the House of Commons Constituency Locata, at www.locata.com

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What Can David Ruffley Do To Help?

As well as constructively questioning legislation and Government policy (especially as it affects Suffolk) I deal with a huge mailbag of constituency issues

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How Does David Deal With Your Problems?

Much of my work is done by correspondence which I read and reply to personally. In many cases this will be followed up by visits to the various government or council bodies and agencies concerned.

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How Can I Lobby My MP?

You do not need to go to the House of Commons to lobby me...

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How Can I Visit Parliament?

If you would like to visit Parliament for a tour or to listen to a debate, please write to me at the House of Commons...

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How Can I Find Out About The Workings Of Parliament?

There is a first rate website run by Parliament itself...

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