David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

Hot Local Issues

Save the West Suffolk Accident and Emergency Department

David Ruffley has launched an online petition to save the A & E Deparment at the West Suffolk Hospital.

Click here to sign the petition

The petition reads:

To the House of Commons. The Petition of the undersigned residents of Suffolk. Declares that the Accident and Emergency Department at the West Suffolk Hospital NHS Trust in Bury St Edmunds should not be closed as a result of the current review by the East of England Strategic Health Authority. The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons show its support for Suffolk’s hard working NHS staff by ruling out any such cutbacks. And the Petitioners remain, etc.

David said:

“The people of Suffolk hold their NHS in the highest regard.

“When I invited David Cameron to join me on a visit to the West Suffolk Hospital Accident and Emergency Department one thing was abundantly clear: the hard working nurses, doctors and support staff in our NHS care so passionately about what they do and they deserve our unstinting support.

“I hope that by launching this petition to save the West Suffolk Hospital Accident and Emergency department from closure I will take my campaign in support of our Suffolk NHS even further forward.

“Once the petition is complete I intend to present it to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street and in the House of Commons to demonstrate the depth of feeling in the Bury St Edmunds area about their Accident and Emergency department.

“Along with the petition I have also launched an online survey so that Suffolk’s residents can give me their views on the key issues facing our NHS.

“The NHS in Suffolk is in crisis and the next few months will be crucial to securing its future.

“The Health Secretary recently stated that areas such as Suffolk deserve less money for their health service.

“To make matters worse not only is Suffolk getting short changed but the way the funding is decided is convoluted, obscure, secretive and dreamt up in the corridors of the Department of Health for political expediency.

“We in Suffolk are currently talking about the very future of Accident and Emergency care at the West Suffolk Hospital and this Government is responsible.

“I will continue to do all I can to support our hard working nurses, doctors and support staff and will continue to battle for a fair deal for the West Suffolk Hospital.”