David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

Contact Information

Contact Details

If you have a problem that you think I can help with the best way to contact me is to write with the details to my Westminster Office:

David Ruffley MP
House of Commons

This is where all my correspondence is handled and is the quickest way of getting a problem dealt with.

I have pioneered new ways of giving people the chance to speak to me. I hold new "walkabout" or "mobile" advice surgeries as well as traditional office surgeries at the Council offices in Bury St Edmunds, and the Community Centres in Stowmarket and Needham Market.

Check the local press for details or ring my local office. To book an appointment you can contact my constituency office:

Tel: 01359 244 199 TypeTalk calls welcome
Fax: 01359 245 002

Even if you have contacted me before, when emailing, please be sure to include your full name, postal address and phone number.