Local News
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Ruffley slams Government as Ipswich is granted unitary status
“This is an absurd waste of taxpayers’ money – it could mean a £121 a year poll tax on Suffolk people”
25 July 2007

David Ruffley launches campaign for a 'plastic bag free' Bury St Edmunds
23 July 2007

Ruffley joins the Facebook generation
Click here to join Facebook and add David Ruffley as a friend
17 July 2007

Ruffley pulls the pints at the Fox Inn during Proud of Pubs week
10 July 2007

Ruffley receives big promotion from Cameron: Top Law and Order Shadow Ministerial Role
9 July 2007

Ruffley organises party to celebrate the work of 'Local Hero' Ernie Broom
5 July 2007

Ruffley: 'Why have Suffolk breath tests plummeted by a massive one third in the last nine years?'
2 July 2007

Ruffley: 'Why has Suffolk gun crime rocketed by an appalling 1000 percent?'
2 July 2007

Alzheimer's Awareness Week: Ruffley tells Suffolk residents to 'be head strong'
1 July 2007

Ruffley speaks out on Suffolk Garden-Grabbing
“Across Suffolk 20 percent of new housing has been built on ‘garden-grabbed’ land while in Mid Suffolk that figure stands at a massive 31 percent.”
20 June 2007

Ruffley slams Government as Suffolk's ailing health service is short-changed once again
“The stark reality of this neglect can be seen in the fact that Suffolk PCT finished the last financial year with a deficit of £30.8 million and that regionally we now have 722 fewer hospital beds than we did three years ago.”
13 June 2007

12 June 2007

Ruffley urges residents to sign his petition against Stowmarket freight distribution scheme
7 June 2007

Ruffley investigates Stowmarket GPs' funding fears
7 June 2007

The number of people convicted of carrying a knife in Suffolk soars
4 June 2007

29 May 2007

Suffolk child care proceedings soar by 63 percent in a single year
28 May 2007

Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill
“Of course I will be voting for my MP’s expenses and all my correspondence to be published under the Freedom of Information laws. I do not believe that there should be one rule for MPs and another for everyone else.”
23 May 2007

1,498 Suffolk farm workers have lost their jobs since 1997
22 May 2007

21 May 2007

Ruffley's House of Commons question exposes colossal level of Suffolk small business failures
15 May 2007

Now Ruffley wades in to slam Ipswich unitary bid in letter to Secretary of State Ruth Kelly
15 May 2007

Ruffley's House of Commons question reveals Suffolk bankruptcies up 183 percent since 1998
9 May 2007

1 May 2007

1 May 2007

Criminal damage in Suffolk rockets by a massive 67 percent since 1997
25 April 2007

Ruffley to listen to Stowmarket Middle on scrapping middle schools
25 April 2007

Ruffley shows his support for Britain's armed forces in visit to RAF Honington
25 April 2007

10 April 2007

3 April 2007

Ruffley to chair key Asda meeting
27 March 2007

27 March 2007

Ruffley signs up to making Suffolk the greenest county
27 March 2007

19 March 2007

19 March 2007

Ruffley in top level meeting on the future of Bury St Edmunds' bus service
19 March 2007

13 March 2007

12 March 2007

Ruffley calls for independent retailers to spearhead Town Centre Management in radical new move
“Town Centre Management has not doing enough to involve Bury’s fantastic independent retailers in shaping the future of our town”
6 March 2007

Ruffley's Green Action Day cleans up graffiti in Stowmarket children's play area
6 March 2007

Ruffley's campaign for new NHS dental service in Mid Suffolk pays off
5 March 2007

Ruffley to visit Infobar drop in centre
5 March 2007

5 March 2007

Ruffley on green business tour
5 March 2007

Ruffley attends lauch of photographic exhibition on child poverty in the UK
2 March 2007

Ruffley signs House of Commons motion on child poverty and deprivation
2 March 2007

Suffolk domestic violence convictions increase 52 percent in a year
26 February 2007

Ruffley visits Suffolk's war heroes at Wattisham base
26 February 2007

26 February 2007

26 February 2007

Ruffley calls summit meeting for Bury St Edmunds retailers with council
26 February 2007

Ruffley encourages young people in Suffolk to bid for a Save the Children 'Here to Help' award
20 February 2007

National Post Office Week - Ruffley to address Countryside Alliance rally at Combs Ford Post Office
19 February 2007

Ruffley in top level meeting on the future of Suffolk Health Care
19 February 2007

Ruffley to visit Suffolk's Army Air Corps war heroes
19 February 2007

Ruffley's House of Commons investigation reveals shocking road safety figures
16 February 2007

Ruffley gets even more interactive
15 February 2007

Ruffley's House of Commons probing reveals Suffolk drug crime spiralling
14 February 2007

"Government short-changing Suffolk schools a scandal" says Ruffley
6 February 2007

Ruffley the first Suffolk MP to ask students to take part on internet TV
5 February 2007

Avian Influenza: Ruffley demands Government support for Suffolk's poultry farmers
5 February 2007

Ruffley's Christmas Card recycling drive helps Woodland Trust in attempt to recycle 90 million cards
30 January 2007

Ruffley to tour Pakenham Water Mill in fund raising drive
30 January 2007

Ruffley to hold surgery on Howard Estate and discuss Merry Go Round plans
30 January 2007

Ruffley launches campaign to find a Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket, Needham Market or village hero
24 January 2007

Ruffley in top level meeting with SHA on the future of A & E in Suffolk
23 January 2007

22 January 2007

Ruffley launches cutting edge new website
18 January 2007

Ruffley to open Riverwalk Nursery
17 January 2007

Ruffley to meet with St Nicholas’ Hospice Chief Executive
17 January 2007

Ruffley alarmed by rise in Suffolk school truancy
15 January 2007

Ruffley calls summit meeting with St Edmundsbury Borough Council and Bury retailers
12 January 2007

9 January 2007

Ruffley slams Government changes to East of England Plan: Total rise to 61,700 new houses in Suffolk
29 December 2006

18 December 2006

15 December 2006

Ruffley launches online petition to save West Suffolk Hospital Accident and Emergency Department
11 December 2006

Christmas and Cattle Market concerns: Ruffley calls meeting with Bury St Edmunds retailers
11 December 2006

Ruffley wishes Suffolk a Green Christmas
4 December 2006

Ruffley asks what plans Suffolk County Council has for youth grants
30 November 2006

Ruffley calls on St Edmundsbury Borough Council to back World Heritage Status bid
30 November 2006

Ruffley calls on Suffolk residents to give their backing to World AIDS day
30 November 2006

28 November 2006

Ruffley asks: "What is the future for Sufolk's rural Post Offices?"
15 November 2006

15 November 2006

Ruffley chairs public meeting on planning issues for Cedars Park Residents Association
15 November 2006

David Cameron visits West Suffolk Hospital
13 November 2006

Ruffley's latest House Of Commons question shows Suffolk is short-changed on education
8 November 2006

Ruffley to lead Needham Market Scouts’ debating session
8 November 2006

Ruffley to open Combs Middle School’s £40,000 Recreational Area
7 November 2006

New House of Commons figures show explosion in Suffolk drink related street crime
31 October 2006

Ruffley slams Government plans for Council Tax to soar in Suffolk 'nice' areas
30 October 2006

Ruffley slams Government over police quango shambles and waste of tax payers’ money
30 October 2006

Ruffley's A14 investigation reveals urgent need for change
25 October 2006

24 October 2006

23 October 2006

Ruffley tackles Highways Agency on A14: "The A14 is not an 'A' road - it is becoming a joke road"
23 October 2006

19 October 2006

Ruffley investigates key role for West Suffolk College in University Campus Suffolk project
19 October 2006

Ruffley welcomes Friends of Riverwalk
18 October 2006

Over 1200 people sign Ruffley’s petition to save Suffolk's NHS from cutbacks
14 October 2006

Ruffley takes to the streets to save Suffolk's Health Service
11 October 2006

Ruffley: “Royal Mail is scrapping Suffolk’s first class deliveries by stealth”
10 October 2006

Ruffley: Standing up for Suffolk’s farming community
5 October 2006

Suffolk Health Crisis: Ruffley investigates Mental Health facilities
5 October 2006

"Shop Green" says Ruffley as MP encourages constituents to ‘Bag’ Green Clubcard Points
29 September 2006

Ruffley to attend West Suffolk College Graduation Ceremony
29 September 2006

29 September 2006

Ruffley tackles Education Secretary as number of Suffolk teachers falls for third consecutive year
28 September 2006

Ruffley slams ailing Suffolk West PCT over new flu vaccination figures
28 September 2006

Ruffley campaigns to save pensioners’ ‘lifeline’
27 September 2006

Ruffley condemns Government "Get Out of Jail Free" card for Shoplifters
15 September 2006

Ruffley investigates St Edmundsbury Healthy Homes Scheme
7 September 2006

6 September 2006

Ruffley to tackle transport bosses on the state of Bury's bus service
6 September 2006

6 September 2006

Ruffley to visit world class local company Thales UK
5 September 2006

Ruffley tackles local mental health crisis in new visit
5 September 2006

Ruffley to discuss future developments in St Nicholas Hospice visit
4 September 2006

Ruffley demands HP Sauce is banned from Westminster
31 August 2006

Ruffley welcomes Paralympic sporting showcase for Suffolk
7 August 2006

7 August 2006

Ruffley: ‘I am determined to stop the Chancellor’s new plans to tax tourists out of Suffolk’
7 August 2006

Ruffley congratulates Suffolk County Council on new ‘Green’ status
4 August 2006

Ruffley launches Great Outdoors Campaign at Kids Klub
25 July 2006

Ruffley asks, “Are the Police enforcing the law against under age drinking?”
19 July 2006

14 July 2006

Ruffley to tour improved Stowmarket Leisure Centre
13 July 2006

Ruffley: “Greening Suffolk - New measures to promote local green energy”
11 July 2006

Ruffley slams Government for wasting tax payers’ money as police merger is finally abandoned
11 July 2006

Ruffley seeks assurances from West Suffolk Hospital following Healthcare Commission report
10 July 2006

10 July 2006

Ruffley congratulates St Edmundsbury Borough Council on Nowton Park visitor figures
5 July 2006

Suffolk MPs receive petition of 1001 signatures to save local NHS
4 July 2006

3 July 2006

Ruffley’s House of Commons question reveals startling level of business start up failures
3 July 2006

Ruffley comes to the aid of Riverwalk School
3 July 2006

3 July 2006

Ruffley demands SHA is abolished as they announce £101 million overspend at public meeting
28 June 2006

28 June 2006

Shock new House of Commons figures on Bury St Edmunds home repossession
26 June 2006

Ruffley says: Home Office u-turn on police Quango long overdue”
20 June 2006

Ruffley to attend Civic Services on Sunday 18 June
14 June 2006

Ruffley to attend annual St John’s Street Fair and visit local retailers
14 June 2006

Ruffley to attend Rattlesden Village Shop reopening
13 June 2006

Ruffley demands SHA is abolished: “It oversees a £110 million overspend and should go”
8 June 2006

Ruffley to visit Bury St Edmunds Jobcentre Plus for tour and Q & A session
7 June 2006

Ruffley to open Pitman Training Bury St Edmunds
6 June 2006

Ruffley to demonstrate new video magnifier for the visually impaired to local supermarket managers
6 June 2006

Ruffley congratulates West Suffolk Hospital ‘Back on Track’ project
26 May 2006

‘Local food is miles better’ says Ruffley
26 May 2006

Ruffley launches School Organisation Review survey on www.tellDavidRuffley.com
24 May 2006

Ruffley asks new Home Secretary: “Is the police merger happening or isn’t it?”
22 May 2006

Ruffley calls on local people to take part in School Organisation Review
18 May 2006

Ruffley highlights Adult Learners Week
18 May 2006

Ruffley sceptical about the new Ambulance Quango
17 May 2006

Ruffley calls for a referendum on Police restructuring - “Let the people have their say”
15 May 2006

15 May 2006

MP demands British brown sauce be introduced into House of Commons as Heinz “HP Sauce” goes abroad
12 May 2006

Ruffley applauds St Edmundsbury Borough Council for green Council Tax credit
12 May 2006

Ruffley challenges Royal Mail over Suffolk closures
12 May 2006

Ruffley to take part in Theatre Royal sponsored walk
9 May 2006

Ruffley’s anger at Government’s secret house price tax
9 May 2006

Ruffley opposes police merger in the House of Commons
28 April 2006

Ruffley highlights Deaf Awareness Week and arranges Typetalk training for his staff
26 April 2006

Ruffley welcomes Suffolk County Council events for young people with disabilities
26 April 2006

21 April 2006

20 April 2006

Ruffley writes to Home Secretary over plans to axe police computer system
19 April 2006

19 April 2006

18 April 2006

Ruffley speaks to Stowmarket Chamber of Commerce and gets their views on Stowmarket regeneration
18 April 2006

18 April 2006

Ruffley asks local people: “Where do you want your money to go?”
3 April 2006

Ruffley welcomes ‘Dead Ringers?’ exhibition and calls for 'green' mobile phones
3 April 2006

“Outrageous bureaucracy is destroying village fund raising” says Ruffley
3 April 2006

Ruffley questions why Suffolk's rape conviction rate is the second worst in the Country
31 March 2006

Ruffley’s investigation of gravestones reveals cost of over £600,000 to relatives
28 March 2006

Ruffley welcomes watchdog report on the treatment of the elderly
28 March 2006

Ruffley congratulates Maternity Service staff at West Suffolk for getting top billing
28 March 2006

Ruffley welcomes pilot scheme bringing £1million to Suffolk’s young people
28 March 2006

23 March 2006

Ruffley welcomes OFSTED Report on School Libraries and writes to Suffolk headteachers
21 March 2006

Rufley slams Charles Clarke for ignoring his own advisors on police merger
20 March 2006

Ruffley welcomes £12.5million EEDA funding for University Campus Suffolk
20 March 2006

Ruffley to join Sir Geoff Hurst for Leisure Centre Reopening
16 March 2006

Ruffley to visit Bury St Edmunds Malthouse Project
15 March 2006

Ruffley demands regular updates from Highways Agency boss on new A14 improvements at Haughley Bends
14 March 2006

Ruffley's dismay at Police merger for Suffolk
14 March 2006

10 March 2006

Ruffley encourages local people to show their support for Fairtrade fortnight
9 March 2006

Ruffley: "Suffolk should play its role in tackling climate change"
6 March 2006

Ruffley's concern at fines for Suffolk's debt ridden health trusts
6 March 2006

Ruffley tackles Highways Agency over delays and spiralling costs of A14 Rookery Crossroads
6 March 2006

Ruffley to attend Onehouse Parish Plan meeting
3 March 2006

Ruffley to open A14 Rookery Crossroads
28 February 2006

28 February 2006

28 February 2006

"Minister's inaction on aircraft medical equipment campaign is totally unacceptable" says Ruffley
27 February 2006

Ruffley expresses dismay at Whiting Street mast recommendation
22 February 2006

Ruffley seeks further assurances from John Griffiths on gravestones
21 February 2006

21 February 2006

15 February 2006

Ruffley welcomes Infobar project to Bury St Edmunds
13 February 2006

Ruffley challenges the Home Secretary on the costs of the proposed police merger
31 January 2006

Ruffley highlights environmental concerns in House of Commons
31 January 2006

Ruffley warns “local residents could face £2,500 fines under ID Card plans
31 January 2006

27 January 2006

Ruffley’s survey reveals huge opposition to Regionalisation
17 January 2006

Ruffley asks “Do you do your bit for the environment?”
17 January 2006

Ruffley joins All-Party Group and signs House Of Commons Motion in support of Stroke Victims
16 January 2006

11 January 2006

“Save East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices” says Ruffley
27 December 2005

Ruffley's House of Commons probing reveals shocking new increase in Suffolk's alcohol related deaths
27 December 2005

Ruffley in meeting with Clergy on Suffolk's health crisis
27 December 2005

Ruffley in meeting with Home Office Minister
19 December 2005

Ruffley to make Christmas Visit to Bury St Edmunds Women’s Refuge
13 December 2005

Ruffley slams Department Of Health as new report suggests £7 Billion Deficit by 2010
13 December 2005

David Cameron promotes David Ruffley to Shadow Minister for Welfare Reform
13 December 2005

6 December 2005

“Letting muggers go free gives green light to crime” says Ruffley
6 December 2005
29 November 2005

28 November 2005
Ruffley: "Let us honour all of our Bury St Edmunds War Dead on the Angel Hill War Memorial"
28 November 2005

24 November 2005

Ruffley concerned by new A14 accidents and calls for vigilance over Christmas and the winter months
24 November 2005
Ruffley supports police consultation
23 November 2005

Ruffley's outrage at flu jab shortage
23 November 2005
Action on eye-sore on the Howard Estate - Ruffley in Merry Go Round meeting
23 November 2005
23 November 2005
Ruffley meets with Bury business community
23 November 2005
“This new Snoopers Charter introducing a new ‘Patio Tax’ is utterly ridiculous” says Ruffley
22 November 2005
21 November 2005
18 November 2005

17 November 2005
16 November 2005

Ruffley’s latest House of Commons question reveals disappointing Suffolk student grant figures
15 November 2005

Standing up for Suffolk: Ruffley demands answers on Suffolk Constabulary’s cash reserves
15 November 2005

Ruffley writes to Prime Minister on behalf of Suffolk Pig Farmers
14 November 2005

Ruffley backs Suffolk Councils for Green Recycling Beacon Status
9 November 2005

Ruffley warns of modern day ‘window tax’
9 November 2005

Ruffley calls for action on flu from Suffolk West PCT
9 November 2005

Listening to Suffolk: Ruffley supports PCT discussion groups
9 November 2005
6 November 2005

Action on Health: Ruffley asks questions about national watchdog’s figures for ‘unnecessary deaths’
3 November 2005

Ruffley’s fear for Suffolk’s elderly as Council Tax hike looms
2 November 2005
Standing up for our local villages: Ruffley backs Rickinghall for ITV ‘People’s Millions’ award
2 November 2005

1 November 2005

Ruffley says Government’s own new reports show madness of East Anglian police merger
31 October 2005
28 October 2005

Ruffley attacks OFT over threat to independent and rural newsagents
27 October 2005

Action on health: Ruffley to meet with Suffolk West PCT and talk about Thurston GP Crisis
26 October 2005

David Ruffley to visit St John’s Centre in Bury St Edmunds
25 October 2005
Ruffley opens new Financial Solutions Centre for Clydesdale Bank in Fornham All Saints
25 October 2005
Ruffley calls for flu pandemic plan for Suffolk
24 October 2005
Ruffley calls for action for Suffolk’s blind and visually impaired
19 October 2005

Ruffley anger over Prescott’s mass regionalisation of Suffolk’s emergency services
18 October 2005
Ruffley welcomes reopening of Fornham All Saints Post Office
4 October 2005

Ruffley slams Suffolk West PCT ballooning management costs which threaten front line services
29 September 2005

Ruffley supports Evening Star’s call for answers from Blair
28 September 2005
Ruffley welcomes moves to bring University Campus Suffolk to Bury St Edmunds
27 September 2005
23 September 2005

Ruffley slams further regionalisation of Ambulance Service
23 September 2005

Ruffley launches online Buses survey
21 September 2005

Ruffley challenges Home Secretary on abolition of Suffolk Constabulary
21 September 2005
Ruffley still questions Government climb down on Council Tax
20 September 2005
Ruffley invited to participate in Charity Golf Day to raise funds for St Nicholas' Hospice
16 September 2005
Ruffley Celebrates Completion of Southgate Green/Cullum Road Pedestrian Crossing
14 September 2005

13 September 2005
12 September 2005
Ruffley to be Quizzed by Over Sixties on Howard Estate
12 September 2005

Ruffley calls for more support for Bury St Edmunds first time home buyers
5 September 2005

Ruffley attacks plans for a regional Police Force and calls for a new ‘Suffolk Sheriff’
1 September 2005
Ruffley calls and chairs third summit meeting on Bury St Edmunds bus services: "Enough is enough"
18 July 2005

Ruffley attacks European Directive on Food Supplements
12 July 2005

Ruffley joins new All Party Parliamentary Group on climate change
28 June 2005
Ruffley warns Suffolk homeowners: “Council tax revaluation will be a £250 a year tax hike”
28 June 2005

Ruffley launches online Fire Service survey of local residents
21 June 2005
13 June 2005

Local people support Ruffley’s views on education
9 June 2005
Ruffley goes 'Back to School' at Riverwalk School to support Global Campaign for Education
7 June 2005
7 June 2005
Ruffley calls and chairs meeting on future of Stowmarket Football Club
7 June 2005
7 June 2005
Suffolk public rejects EU constitution
7 June 2005
Ruffley attacks transfer of powers to unelected East of England Regional Assembly
24 May 2005
Ruffley launches online European Constitution referendum
24 May 2005

Ruffley exposes shock fall in Suffolk Mental Health beds
4 April 2005

Ruffley Responds To Brown Budget: “Dissapointing For Suffolk”
16 March 2005
Revaluation bombshell ‘timed to explode’ after election
8 March 2005
8 March 2005
Ruffley announces council tax cut for pensioners in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market
28 February 2005
Ruffley consults Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market Pensioners
28 February 2005
28 February 2005

Outrage at Taxpayers’ Helpline for Travellers’
22 February 2005
Ruffley demands new elected Police Commissioner for Suffolk and more local police
22 February 2005
Ruffley calls East of England Development Agency (EEDA) boss to Bury St Edmunds business summit
21 February 2005

Ruffley says Matrons to lead battle against hospital "superbugs"
21 February 2005
“More police for Howard Estate” says Ruffley
21 February 2005
8 February 2005
8 February 2005
7 February 2005
Ruffley calls for action on discipline in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket schools
7 February 2005
Ruffley says “Suffolk Councils are set to lose funding”
2 February 2005

Ruffley meets Stowmarket Brownies and Guides
26 January 2005
Ruffley calls and chairs second summit meeting on Bury St Edmunds bus services
26 January 2005
Ruffley calls for action to stop soaring levels of Suffolk alcohol-related crime
25 January 2005
Ruffley opposes phone mast in Cullum Road
25 January 2005

18 January 2005

Ruffley in Urgent Talks with Bury Firefighters to Save 12 Firefighter Posts
12 January 2005
Ruffley Holds Meetings with Union and Management on Needham Market Unilever Bestfoods Closure
12 January 2005
Ruffley calls East of England Development Agency (EEDA) boss to Bury St Edmunds business summit
15 December 2004
Ruffley calls for change of law to protect honest citizens not criminals
14 December 2004
Ruffley launches ‘OUT OF HOURS’ GP consultation
14 December 2004

Ruffley says “New law to end law favouring illegal traveller site”
19 November 2004
Ruffley says “New report shows more burglars think they won’t get caught in Suffolk”
15 November 2004
15 November 2004
Ruffley welcomes new surgery unit at local hospital
15 November 2004
Ruffley welcomes Council decision on travellers site
15 November 2004
Ruffley says its time to scrap East of England Regional Assembly
8 November 2004
Ruffley extracts promise on local bus services
8 November 2004
Ruffley slams Government inaction on Travellers sites
8 November 2004

Ruffley For More Youth Facilities: Officially Opens New Moreton Hall Youth Shelter
3 November 2004
Ruffley demands answers from Royal Mail
3 November 2004
Ruffley says give Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket tenants a foot up the housing ladder
3 November 2004
Ruffley Opposes Government's Gambling Bill and Meets Christian Leaders
2 November 2004
1 November 2004
Oil prices soar as Chancellor and oil companies reap the profits: Ruffley challenges BP
29 October 2004
Ruffley opposes new School Transport Bill
29 October 2004
12 October 2004
Ruffley says “Its time for less talk and more action from your government”
11 October 2004
Ruffley challenges NHS Trust over cancelled operations
4 October 2004
4 October 2004
Ruffley Appointed First Vice Patron of Suffolk Deaf Association
28 September 2004
First Bus Company has failed to put Customers First
28 September 2004
Ruffley blames rise in robberies and burglaries in Suffolk on red tape not our hard working police
27 September 2004
Ruffley exposes local LibDem ‘tax sting’
27 September 2004
Ruffley Urges End to Traffic Chaos Outside Guildhall Feoffment School
27 September 2004
Ruffley unveils new plans to restore respect for older people in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket
20 September 2004
Ruffley warns Council tax revaluation is a ‘ticking tax timebomb’
20 September 2004
16 September 2004
“Support Alzheimer's Memory Walk” says Ruffley
15 September 2004
Ruffley gives support to National Blood Pressure Testing Week
13 September 2004
Ruffley backs scrapping of university fees for students in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket
13 September 2004
13 September 2004
Ruffley Takes Bus Company To Task Over New Bus Nightmare
8 September 2004
Ruffley slams soaring cost of local taxes
7 September 2004
Ruffley slams Government for Suffolk’s Royal Mail failures
7 September 2004
Ruffley to attend Felsham Street Fair
3 September 2004
Ruffley Speaks to Moreton Hall Women's Institute
31 August 2004
Ruffley welcomes Rookery Crossroads improvements
18 August 2004
Ruffley to perform Official Opening of New Moreton Hall Post Office in Community Centre
11 August 2004
10 August 2004
Ruffley: Time to ‘end the war’ on the motorist
10 August 2004
9 August 2004
Ruffley Intervenes to Demand Council Checks Lawfulness of Travellers' Encampment
3 August 2004
30 July 2004
Ruffley highlights shocking rise in Suffolk violent and sexual crime
28 July 2004
Ruffley: “Shortchanging of Suffolk Schools must end”
28 July 2004
Ruffley claims victory in Brown’s temporary climbdown on fuel tax
28 July 2004
Ruffley says Council Tax could soar by a third
21 July 2004
Ruffley says give divorced parents equal access to children
21 July 2004
Ruffley highlights new Policies to help pensioners
21 July 2004
Ruffley welcomes Greene King to the House of Commons
15 July 2004
Ruffley Tops East Anglian MPs' League Table
15 July 2004
Ruffley Claims Victory for Onehouse School Transport Campaign
13 July 2004
Ruffley Presents EDF Energy Award to Great Whelnetham Primary School
9 July 2004
Ruffley Campaigns to Save Stowmarket Water Meadows
30 June 2004
Ruffley extracts Government promise for air passengers
30 June 2004
Ruffley Supports Alzheimer's Awareness Week
30 June 2004
Ruffley Calls for Onehouse Village Cash
23 June 2004
22 June 2004
Ruffley Gets New Assurance That St Olaves Post Office Will Stay Open
17 June 2004
Ruffley Intervenes on Stowmarket Car Park Charge Crisis
17 June 2004
Ruffley takes Needham Market Neighbourhood Watch issue to the House Of Commons
16 June 2004
14 June 2004
Ruffley slams Government and Regional attack on rural motorists
9 June 2004
Ruffley attacks Home Office for failing Needham Market Neighbourhood Watch
9 June 2004
Ruffley Officially Opens Early Years Garden at Bacton Community Primary School
28 May 2004
Rufley Holds Crisis Meeting with Bury St Edmunds Chamber of Commerce on Future Development of Town
27 May 2004
Ruffley Wins Victory for Suffolk Commuters
19 May 2004
18 May 2004
New St Olaves Post Office Petition: Ruffley Demands that Bosses Keep It
17 May 2004
Ruffley Launches Petition: "We Need More NHS Dentists"
14 May 2004
Ruffley Holds Mobile Surgery in Stowmarket: "A Fresh Approach to Meeting my Constituents"
11 May 2004
David Ruffley MP: Local People’s Say Silenced by Regional Officials
30 April 2004
Local Action on Local Roads: “There ARE enough accidents to justify a speed camera in Great Barton”
28 April 2004
Ruffley Continues Campaign for Onehouse School Bus and Demands Faster Appeal Decisions
27 April 2004
Ruffley Attends St George's Day Service and Salutes Scouts and Guides
22 April 2004
Ruffley Signs Conservatives' Petition to Save Vitamins & Food Supplements
22 April 2004
Ruffley Signs Autism Manifesto
14 April 2004
Ruffley Rage at Rougham Rookery Rethink: "Without these Safety Measures People will Die"
7 April 2004
Ruffley Presents Prestigious Award to Stowmarket High School Student
1 April 2004
Ruffley Speaks to Bury Young Farmers and Backs Their Local Charity
31 March 2004
Ruffley Slams Thurston GP Surgery Delay
30 March 2004
Ruffley Presents Petition on Onehouse Housing Development to Mid Suffolk District Council
29 March 2004
Ruffley Supports Stowmarket 'Litter Pick'
26 March 2004
Ruffley Sponsors Food Labelling Bill in House of Commons
23 March 2004
Ruffley Reveals New Figures: Police Levy on Council Tax up 133% since 1997
16 March 2004
Ruffley Condemns Powergen's Withdrawal of Pre-Payment Electricity Tokens from Post Offices
16 March 2004
Michael Howard Appoints David Ruffley to Her Majesty's Opposition Whips' Office
16 March 2004
Ruffley goes to Tesco to Fight for Future of Moreton Hall Post Office
9 March 2004
Ruffley: "Howard Right to Withdraw Conservative Participation in Iraq Butler Inquiry"
2 March 2004
Ruffley Warns of A14 Gridlock by 2010
27 February 2004
Ruffley Takes Tesco To Task Over Moreton Hall Post Office Closure
17 February 2004
Hanging Baskets: Ruffley Challenges Suffolk County Council over "Nanny Statism Gone Mad"
12 February 2004
Ruffley Calls Public Meeting to Fight Post Office Closure on Moreton Hall
12 February 2004
12 February 2004
Needham Market: Ruffley Gets Assurance from Barclays Bank that Closure in Needham Won't Happen
12 February 2004
Ruffley Urges Government to Reform Park Home Law
3 February 2004
Closure of Urban Post Offices: Ruffley Calls on Government to ensure Full Consultation
3 February 2004
Ruffley says Needham Needs its own say on Planning
3 February 2004
Whiting Street Mast Victory: Ruffley Welcomes Outcome of Appeal after Robust Campaign
28 January 2004
28 January 2004
Ruffley making progress on Great Barton Traffic Black Spot
28 January 2004
Ruffley to call Meeting to fight new Post Office closure on Moreton Hall
28 January 2004
Ruffley Quizzed by Priory School Pupils
28 January 2004
Ruffley Backing Business: Ruffley’s Rolling Visits Programme Continues
20 January 2004
Ruffley Warns that Lib Dems’ New Local Income Tax Could Cost You at Least £500 More
20 January 2004
Ruffley Launches Petition for Speed Cameras on Black Spot Bend on A143 in Great Barton
19 January 2004
13 January 2004
Ruffley Takes Lessons in Democracy at Stowmarket Middle School
13 January 2004
7 January 2004
Ruffley Calls For Urgent Action on A143 at Great Barton After Latest Crash
5 January 2004
23 December 2003
16 December 2003
12 December 2003
New Top Honour for David Ruffley in the House Of Commons
3 December 2003
3 December 2003
Stealth Tax Hits Local Businesses in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market
2 December 2003
2 December 2003
Government Introduces New taxes on Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket School pupils and students
1 December 2003
Onehouse Housing Proposal: Ruffley Steps in to Demand Residents’ Voices Are Heard
18 November 2003
Ruffley Campaigns for CCTV in Moreton Hall
13 November 2003
Ruffley Welcomes Needham Market Middle School in Historic Visit to House Of Commons
11 November 2003
Volunteer Values: Ruffley Visits Victim Support in Bury St Edmunds
11 November 2003
11 November 2003
Commons Champion Ruffley to Lead Bury St Edmunds Fair Trade Town Bid
11 November 2003
Ruffley Calls Urgent Meeting with Suffolk County Council Chief on Council Tax
11 November 2003
Ruffley: “Suffolk Must Say No to Government’s High Tax, High Maintenance Regional Politicians”
11 November 2003
Stowupland Pre-School: Ruffley Supports Fundraising For New Building Project
23 October 2003
Westgate Whirlybirds & Pre-School: Ruffley Supports Fundraising For New Building Project
23 October 2003
Ruffley Opposes Telecommunications Mast On Bt Exchange In Whiting Street
23 October 2003
Threat Grows Of New Anti- Rural Car Taxes For Bury St Edmunds And Stowmarket
21 October 2003
Make Suffolk police more accountable to local people says Ruffley
15 October 2003
David Ruffley Pledges a Fair Deal for Suffolk Pensioners
13 October 2003
Ruffley Celebrates Success of Rickinghall Farmers’ Market on Third Anniversary
8 October 2003
Village Values: Ruffley Congratulates Pakenham at Grand Opening of New Village Hall
7 October 2003
Howard Estate Vandalism: Ruffley Backs Action Group Bid to Get Alleyways Blocked
30 September 2003
Ruffley Attends Pensioner Information Day at Athenaeum
30 September 2003
Ruffley Calls Further Meeting on Thurston Surgery Saga: “No Complacency About This Project”
25 September 2003
David Ruffley MP Is Backing Road Safety Week
23 September 2003
22 September 2003
Ruffley Slams Criminal Records Fiasco in the Care Home Sector
22 September 2003
16 September 2003
Stowmarket Law and Order: Ruffley Calls Meeting with Sector Commander
12 September 2003
Ruffley Opens New Kall Kwik Centre in Bury
12 September 2003
Community Values: Ruffley Supports All Saints Church Building Project
12 September 2003
12 September 2003
Ruffley Chairs Police Open House Forum at Rickinghall
9 September 2003
Backing Business: Ruffley Holds ‘Business Day’ on Friday 5 September
3 September 2003
Hydro-Therapy Facilities in West Suffolk: Ruffley Keeps Up The Pressure
29 July 2003
Ruffley Calls on Government to Lift VAT Burden on St Nicholas’ Hospice
24 July 2003
Ruffley Returns to Needham Market Middle School By Popular Demand
15 July 2003
New Focussing On Disability: Ruffley Opens New ‘Wood N Stuff’ Shop In Bury St Edmunds
15 July 2003
Ruffley To Attend Public Meeting: "Thurston Must Have GP Service"
15 July 2003
Focussing on Disability: Ruffley Presents Investor in People Award to West Suffolk Headway
15 July 2003
Ruffley Connects with Young People in Bury
9 July 2003
“The Government is failing to tackle school Vandalism” says Bury St Edmunds Member of Parliament
9 July 2003
Ruffley Joined by Campaigners for Successful International Trade Justice Rally
8 July 2003
Ruffley Launches Alzheimer's Awareness Week In Bury St Edmunds
2 July 2003
Ruffley Pushes For More Support For Bury St Edmunds Heritage: New Athenaeum Bid
2 July 2003
17 June 2003
Ruffley Supports Fireworks Bill in House of Commons Following Bury Constituents’ Complaints
17 June 2003
Campaign Success: Ruffley Re-Opens Sicklesmere Post Office
17 June 2003
Ruffley: “Join Me in Campaign for International Trade Justice on 28 June in Bury St Edmunds
17 June 2003
Ruffley in Planning Row Site Visit
17 June 2003
Ruffley Supports Fireworks Bill In House Of Commons
11 June 2003
Ruffley Christens Dial-A-Ride Minibus With Local Users
11 June 2003
National Carers Week – Ruffley Highlights Importance of Elsey’s Yard
3 June 2003
“Concerns of Local Farmers are Being Ignored by Government Ministers” says Ruffley
25 May 2003
Ruffley Highlights Need for Common Agricultural Policy Reform
22 May 2003
Ruffley Signs Early Day Motion Calling for Greater Provision of Digital Hearing Aids
19 May 2003
Ruffley Gives Backing to Help the Hospices
15 May 2003
12 May 2003
12 May 2003
6 May 2003
Falling Detection Rates for Serious Crimes in Suffolk are Worrying” says David Ruffley MP
6 May 2003
Article for West Suffolk Mercury
1 May 2003
Ruffley: "Suffolk Crime Rising In St Edmundsbury And Mid Suffolk Council Election Battlegrounds"
25 April 2003
Why Shouldn’t Suffolk Get Its Fair Share?
17 April 2003
Broadband Bid – Ruffley Supports Broadband Access For Villages
15 April 2003
Article for West Suffolk Mercury
8 April 2003
"Local Residents are Victims of Council Tax Grab" says Ruffley
7 April 2003
Ruffley Reveals Shocking New Figures Showing The Cost Of Bed Blocking In Suffolk
7 April 2003
Ruffley Readopted for Bury St Edmunds Parliamentary Constituency
3 April 2003
Ruffley to Address Cryspen Court Residents Meeting
1 April 2003
Appalling New Figures Show That Council Tax Is Going Through The Roof
1 April 2003
Ruffley To Open New Hall At Wortham Primary School
1 April 2003
Ruffley Signs New House Of Commons Motion Calling For Greater Assistance To Carers
1 April 2003
Ruffley Calls On Suffolk County Council To Support St Edmunds Pre School And Sunshine Club
28 March 2003
Ruffley Continues To Campaign For Suffolk Farmers And Urges Chancellor To Cut Duty On Biofuels
25 March 2003
Article for West Suffolk Mercury
21 March 2003
Ruffley in Key Meeting with East Anglia Regional National Farmers Union Representatives
18 March 2003
Ruffley Supports Stowupland High School's Bid for Specialist School Status
18 March 2003
18 March 2003
Ruffley Presents Investor In People Award to Guildhall Feoffment Community Primary School
18 March 2003
Ruffley Announces Victory for Suffolk's Pensioners
18 March 2003
Ruffley Outlines Opposition Plans to Put More Suffolk Bobbies on the Beat
18 March 2003
Ruffley Meets Pensioners In Age Concern ‘Voice And Choice’ Initiative
11 March 2003
Ruffley Debates Religious and Ethical Issues with Bury Christian Youth
11 March 2003
Ruffley in Top Level Meeting with Havebury Housing Partnership
11 March 2003
11 March 2003
Ruffley Warns that Council Tax Rises are "Out of Control" in Suffolk
11 March 2003
Macmillan Cancer Relief Thanks David Ruffley For Help To Get Cancer Money Spent Where It’s Meant
11 March 2003
Ruffley Slams Liberal Democrats at County Hall over Huge Council Tax Hike
11 March 2003
Ruffley's Last Ditch Attempt to Save Sicklemsmere Post Office Looks Like It Has Paid Off
4 March 2003
Iraq Crisis: Clergy Brief Ruffley on Their Concerns
25 February 2003
Ruffley Signs New House of Commons Motion on Iraq
25 February 2003
Ruffley Visits Bury Railway Station Heritage Project
25 February 2003
Ruffley in Keynote Speech on the East Anglian and National Economy
25 February 2003
Ruffley Calls for More Information on Rural Broadband Discrimination
25 February 2003
Ruffley Makes Local Website Accessible For All
25 February 2003
Ruffley Welcomes Bury St Edmunds Member of Youth Parliament to Westminster
24 February 2003
"Suffolk's Greenfields Face Whitehall Bulldozer" Warns Bury St Edmunds MP David Ruffley
18 February 2003
18 February 2003
18 February 2003
Ruffley Continues Rural Post Office Campaign in Signing New House Of Commons Motion
10 February 2003
4 February 2003
Recognising Success: Ruffley In Three School Visits
4 February 2003
Ruffley Meets Mid Suffolk District Councillors
4 February 2003
4 February 2003
4 February 2003
3 February 2003
Ruffley Warns Of Further Threats To Local Village Halls And Charities Through ‘Music Tax’
3 February 2003
Rufflley Meeting Bury St Edmunds Firefighters
28 January 2003
Ruffley to Address Needham Market Middle School During Assembly
28 January 2003
Ruffley to Visit and Congratulate Stow Lodge Rehabilitation Centre for Their Charter Mark Award
28 January 2003
Ruffley Criticises Plans to Block Residents from Buying Their Council House
28 January 2003
28 January 2003
Ruffley to Speak to Stowmarket High School
22 January 2003
Ruffley to Meet Local Religious Group on Cloning Concerns
22 January 2003
Ruffley Meets Suffolk Farmers About Power of Supermarkets in the Food Industry
22 January 2003
21 January 2003
Threat To Village Hall Funding: Ruffley In House of Commons Meeting
15 January 2003
15 January 2003
Ruffley Warns of Risk of Future Teacher Shortage in Suffolk Following New Independent Report
15 January 2003
David Ruffley in Meeting with Local GPs
15 January 2003
Ruffley Calls Urgent Meeting in Last Ditch Attempt to Save Sicklesmere Post Office
6 January 2003
Ruffley Cracks Down On Graffiti In Town
16 December 2002
Government Plans New Stealth Tax Assault On The Homeowners Whose Suffolk Houses Have Risen In Value
3 December 2002
Ruffley Signs House Of Commons Motion
3 December 2002
3 December 2002
Ruffley Warns Of New Government Laws That Threaten To Silence Suffolk
25 November 2002
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