David Ruffley - MP for Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and Needham Market

Privacy Statement

About Us
This is a privacy policy for www.davidruffley.com. Our homepage on the Web is located at http://www.davidruffley.com. This is the full text of our privacy policy. This policy does not tell users where they can go to exercise their opt-in or opt-out options.
We invite you to contact us if you have questions about this policy. You may contact us by mail at the following address:
Privacy Administrator (davidruffley.com)
David Ruffley MP
House of Commons

Dispute Resolution and Privacy Seals
We have the following privacy seals:

If you have a dispute regarding this privacy policy please contact us using the contact details listed in the Privacy Policy.

Additional Information
This policy is valid for 12 weeks from the time that it is loaded by a client.

Data Collection (other than surveys)
P3P policies declare the data they collect in groups (also referred to as "statements"). This policy contains 2 data groups. The data practices of each group will be explained separately.

Group "Access log information"
We collect the following information:
Click-stream data
HTTP protocol elements
HTTP cookies

This data will be used for the following purposes:
Completion and support of the current activity.
Web site and system administration.
Research and development.

This data will be used by ourselves and our agents.
The following explanation is provided for why this data is collected:
Our Web server collects access logs containing this information.

Group "Log In Information"
We collect the following information:
HTTP cookies
Search terms

This data will be used for the following purposes:
Completion and support of the current activity.
This data will be used by ourselves and our agents.

The following explanation is provided for why this data is collected:
This allows users to log in to subscription services and to maintain session state.

Data Collection (feedback and support pledges)
The information you have supplied will only be used by David Ruffley, his office and the local Conservative Association. Data will be captured. The information will not be used by any third parties. A summary of responses may be published on this web site and in other media, but no data than can be used to identify an individual will be published.

Cookies are a technology which can be used to provide you with tailored information from a Web site. A cookie is an element of data that a Web site can send to your browser, which may then store it on your system. You can set your browser to notify you when you receive a cookie, giving you the chance to decide whether to accept it.

Our site makes use of cookies. Cookies are used for the following purposes:
Site administration
Completing the user's current activity
Research and development