gjhfgjhhHouse Magazine - Careless Legislation Costs Lives

Monday, 16 July, 2007

There have been forty nine crime and counterterrorism Bills in the last ten years. There are another six still currently going through Parliament and another two expected in the autumn. What has this legislative hyperactivity delivered?

gjhfgjhhRuffley pulls the pints at the Fox Inn during Proud of Pubs week

Tuesday, 10 July, 2007

David Ruffley MP will be celebrating 'Proud of Pubs Week' at the Fox Inn on Eastgate Street in Bury St Edmunds on Friday 13 July at 12.45pm.

David's visit is part of a national campaign celebrating the British Public House, organised by The Publican magazine, which runs from 8 to 15 July.

David will be seeing for himself the positive contribution that the Fox Inn makes in the community, as well as discussing issues such as the smoking ban with customers and staff.

The local media and photographers are invited to attend.

David said:

gjhfgjhhRuffley joins the Facebook generation

Tuesday, 17 July, 2007

David Ruffley MP, the Shadow Minister for Police Reform, has today made himself even more accessible to his constituents in Suffolk by joining the online social website www.facebook.com.

Facebook is the now one of the most popular websites in the United Kingdom and the seventh most visited website in the United States with over 30 million members worldwide.

Constituents who join Facebook will be able to add David as 'a friend' and receive updates on David's work, his activities in the constituency and his thoughts on matters of local and national importance.

gjhfgjhhDavid Ruffley launches campaign for a 'plastic bag free' Bury St Edmunds

Monday, 23 July, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today launched a campaign to make Bury St Edmunds a 'plastic bag free' town.

David is asking retailers in the town to only provide customers with plastic bags on request rather than automatically putting their items in a bag.

Plastic bags account for a huge amount of the waste we produce. They are difficult to recycle and non-biodegradable. Much of this waste could be cut out by using our own cloth carrier bags or so called durable 'bags for life' provided by some retailers.

gjhfgjhhRuffley slams Government as Ipswich is granted unitary status

Wednesday, 25 July, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today slammed the Government for granting Ipswich Borough Council unitary status.

David said:

'Research by Cambridge University has estimated that the reorganisation costs of converting two-tier councils to unitary councils could be in the region of £121 per head, and 'there is every prospect that on-going costs would in fact be increased'. Such a bill would be equivalent to £345 per council tax-paying household.

'This is an absurd waste of taxpayers' money- it could mean a £121 a year poll tax on Suffolk people.

gjhfgjhhDaily Mail - Nick Ross under fire over media's 'big lie' on crime

Sunday, 22 July, 2007

FORMER Crimewatch host Nick Ross was under fire last night after accusing the media of distorting crime figures.

Speaking on BBC Radio 4's Today programme, Mr Ross launched a scathing attack on the way the statistics were reported, saying journalists were hyping fears of crime.

He said: 'The media have long been peddling a big lie about crime, either that or they have been astonishingly incompetent about persuading their listeners, readers and viewers of the truth because the truth is that crime has been declining for well over a decade.

gjhfgjhhMail on Sunday - Tories: Jail 'Happy Slap' web bosses

Sunday, 5 August, 2007

INTERNET chiefs could be jailed if they refuse to stop showing videos of playground fights and bullying, the Conservatives have threatened.

gjhfgjhhPress Association - Fear of Crime Disproportionately High says Smith

Wednesday, 12 September, 2007

The Government wants to build more confidence in policing because the public's fear of crime is 'disproportionately high', the Home Secretary said today.

Jacqui Smith said crime is falling, but the fear of crime could have a damaging impact on communities and individuals, weakening the social fabric and breeding mistrust.

'The situation is not helped by those who seek political advantage from unnecessarily shrill warnings that we are facing anarchy on our streets.

gjhfgjhhRuffley to listen to Stowmarket Middle on scrapping middle schools

Wednesday, 25 April, 2007

David Ruffley MP will be visiting Stowmarket Middle School on Friday 27 April to give students a 'bird's eye' view of the House of Commons and the process of a debate.

David will be met by David Etchells Butler, Head of Geography, and will be listening to what staff at the school have to say about plans to scrap three tier education.

David said:

'I am eagerly anticipating my visit to Stowmarket Middle School. I always enjoy meeting with staff and students at the school and have every confidence that this occasion will be no different.

gjhfgjhhRuffley speaks out on Suffolk Garden-Grabbing

Wednesday, 20 June, 2007

David Ruffley MP has today released new House of Commons figures which reveal that in 2005, the latest year for which figures are available, 20 percent of new homes in Suffolk were built on former back gardens.

Under present planning rules, because gardens are classed as brownfield sites, just like a derelict factory or railway siding, they are subject to a presumption in favour of development. This means it is difficult for local councils to refuse planning permission without the risk that their decision is overturned by the Planning Inspectorate.

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