There are countless committed volunteers of all ages in and around Bury St Edmunds. They give their time to help the elderly, frail and disabled. Their voluntary work is the hallmark of a compassionate and civilised society. |
But recent news shows that, sadly, local voluntary bodies are now struggling to encourage new volunteers. Existing helpers are being stretched to the limit. |
Take Dial a Ride, based in Bury St Edmunds. Their minibuses provide a vital door to door service for those who are mobility impaired and unable to use public transport. Yet we now hear that Dial a Ride need more volunteer drivers. Without more drivers, many vulnerable people could literally be imprisoned in their homes – unable to get out at all, from one week to the next. |
So, if you are a keen driver but have never done volunteering before, why not help out? It could literally change the lives of local frail and elderly people who face being housebound. |
Many youngsters in our town already give up their free time to volunteer in community activities. That is a credit to our excellent local teachers who are instilling a strong sense of social responsibility and caring in our children. They really are to be congratulated. |
But there are other people who do not volunteer but who would like to get involved - they just don’t know how to. That is why the excellent Bury St Edmunds Volunteer Centre in Whiting Street exists. It helps match volunteers with those in need. The Centre receives requests for volunteers from over 100 local charitable and welfare organisations such as WRVS, St Nicholas’ Hospice, the West Suffolk Voluntary Association for the Blind, the Alzheimer’s Society and Age Concern Suffolk. Those are well known names, but there are many, many other unsung heroic groups who need new volunteers. |
As I visit voluntary organisations in Bury each week, I see how rewarding volunteering is. |
Details of volunteer groups and how to contact them can be found at my links page. |
No matter what age you are, if you are semi-retired or retired, a teenager or young person with a few hours to spare, why not get more involved? Giving up even just a tiny amount of your time could be rewarding for you and those you help. |
“Volunteer values” represent the best of Suffolk. They make such a difference to our community. Why not give it a go? |