I don't know who my MP is. How do I find out? |
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You can either ring the House of Commons Information Office on 020 7219 4272 or visit the following website, the House of Commons Constituency Locata, at www.locata.com
What Can David Ruffley Do To Help? |
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As well as constructively questioning legislation and Government policy (especially as it affects Suffolk) I deal with a huge mailbag of constituency issues.(It is a rule of Parliament that MPs can deal only with their own individual constituents not another MP's constituents). Every one of my constituents gets the same access to me no matter what their political persuasion. I am keen to hear your views and to help you with any problems you may have. I will act as your advocate in Parliament and outside. However, I am not able, unfortunately, to offer legal advice in a specific case.
I make sure that constituency matters are raised regularly in the House of Commons. But there is sometimes a limit to what any MP can achieve. For your grievance to be redressed, a change in the law may be required. This is not something that an individual MP can guarantee to deliver because it will normally involve a new Act of Parliament and a majority of MPs or the public may oppose such a change. However, many people may share your views across the country, so pressure from a group of MPs may bring about a change of policy by the Government of the day in the end, even if it is not done immediately.
I think the public get sick and tired of politicians promising the earth when they can't deliver. So my policy is to be clear and upfront at the start with constituents and tell them what can and cannot be done immediately to help them.
How Does David Deal With Your Problems? |
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Much of my work is done by correspondence which I read and reply to personally. In many cases this will be followed up by visits to the various government or council bodies and agencies concerned. Where appropriate, I lose no time in leading a delegation to see a Government Minister.
How Can I Lobby My MP? |
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You do not need to go to the House of Commons to lobby me - you can address a letter to me as follows:
David Ruffley MP
House of Commons
or go to one of my constituency advice surgeries in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket or Needham Market. You can ring 01359 244 199 for an appointment.
How Can I Visit Parliament? |
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If you would like to visit Parliament for a tour or to listen to a debate, please write to me at the House of Commons and I would be delighted to arrange your visit. Please include a day time telephone number.
The tours of Parliament only take place when the House is not sitting or by arrangement during parliamentary recesses.
How Can I Find Out About The Workings Of Parliament? |
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There is a first rate website run by Parliament itself which provides a detailed range of information about the workings of Parliament, together with search engines so that you can look up any topic or any speech - whether by me or anyone else! - www.parliament.uk