Text Only Version Last Update: Press Releases (14 July 2006)
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Mental health concern
The crisis continues in our Suffolk Health Service and the impact is becoming more widespread by the week.
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This is particularly true for those working in the local Health Service who witness every day the damage that is being caused by funding cutbacks.
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Cuts and closures are a tragedy. The Government tells us that more money than ever is being devoted to the NHS. We all want proper resourcing – but to the front line. Why do we hear of deficits and funding cuts?
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The latest potential victim of this is the Healthy Mind Centre, run by West Suffolk Mind charity, based in Bury St Edmunds.
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This Centre helps those with mental health issues to find their way back into employment. This is an invaluable service. It not only has a great social impact by revolutionising the lives of those involved providing them with a vital chance to get their lives back on track. It also has a great economic impact by helping those who would otherwise be trapped in welfare dependency where they do not want to be.
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Those who are too ill to work must, of course, receive our full support. But there are also a great many local people who want to get better and back into work. The NHS must do all it can to help them.
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Yet Mind now fears for the future of the Centre because of a funding shortage.
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After lottery funding expired, Suffolk County Council and the West Suffolk PCT did step in to provide interim funding for a few months but this is now coming to an end.
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The poor financial situation the PCT are now in means further funding is not guaranteed.
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I will be doing all I can to support this Centre which is helping to support and encourage some of the most vulnerable in society.
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Tragically, mental health is too often neglected and its funding always seems too easily cut.
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We have seen in recent months the closure of services provided for those suffering from mental health problems, with the loss of the Old Fox House in Stowmarket a real tragedy for the many local people who relied on their support.
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Every family has at sometime been troubled by mental health issues. It is an issue that touches all families at one time or other.
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Thankfully, we live in a more open society than, say, fifty years ago. Mental health issues are more out in the open and we can discuss them without fear of prejudice.
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Now we have overcome the stigma that was once attached to mental health we must now ensure we provide sufficient support for those who are suffering.
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