Text Only Version Last Update: Press Releases (14 July 2006)
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Trade justice and Third World Debt
Every day I open my mailbag I am struck by the generosity of spirit of so many people in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket.
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They highlight that we have a duty to help those in poorer countries. That is why I was delighted to be asked to support the Make Poverty History campaign, which is being run by a host of local Suffolk charities, including CAFOD, Christian Aid and Oxfam, churches and other organisations.
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I have given my support in the House of Commons by signing a parliamentary early day motion pressuring all governments to make a concerted effort to eliminate world poverty.
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I believe that fairer trade can help poorer countries. But the potential to help the poorest is not being realised. The developed countries are still too protectionist. Western tariffs and subsidies reduce the export earnings of developing countries by an estimated $39billion a year, 50 per cent more than they receive in aid.
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I believe that developed countries should finance an advocacy fund to provide the necessary expertise and advice which would enable poorer countries to get the fair deal which the WTO system promises.
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I believe that we must work harder to alleviate third world debt. I welcome the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative (HIPC), but its current format is bound up by too much red tape. We must also ensure debt relief is directed towards health and education schemes in the developing world.
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I believe passionately that we should increase aid to the developing world. Thankfully, all sensible political parties agree on that!
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I know that a great many people in Suffolk share my views on this issue and I would encourage you all to give your support in any way you can to those less fortunate around the world.
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David Ruffley MP - On Your Side
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