David Ruffley MP has called senior officials from National Air Traffic Services (NATS) to a meeting at the House of Commons on Tuesday 1 July at 4.30 pm.
David Ruffley MP has expressed his shock and anger at the decision by Post Office Ltd to go ahead with all the proposed post office closures in his Bury St Edmunds constituency.
David Ruffley MP has today released new figures which reveal that Suffolk residents will have to travel three times as far to visit their GP.
Red tape and bureaucracy for police has increased the cost of dealing with criminal incidents by pounds 80 million in three years, the Tories claim.
RED tape and bureaucracy for police has increased the cost of dealing with criminal incidents by pounds 80 million in three years, the Tories claim.
David Ruffley MP has this week written to the Licensing Services at St Edmundsbury Borough Council giving his backing to a special licensing policy for the historic core of Bury St Edmunds.
Home Office staff spent almost £1million on taxis last y ear- 30 times more than when Labour took power.
The Home Office was blasted last night after its taxi bill soared an incredible 30-Fold to nearly Pounds 1million.
Home Office staff spent almost £11million on taxis, hotels and flights last year.
HE Home Office was blasted last night after its taxi bill soared an incredible 30-FOLD to nearly Pounds 1million.