27 September 2004
Ruffley exposes local LibDem ‘tax sting’
David Ruffley MP this week attacked proposals by the Liberal Democrats for a barrage of new taxes on local residents across Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket and warned that the level of tax would be a key issue in the forthcoming general election campaign expected next year.
As the Liberal Democrats left their annual party conference in Bournemouth, it has been revealed that their official party policies feature over 40 new tax levies, including:
• A local income tax which could cost a typical working family in Mid Suffolk an extra £707 a year in tax and in St Edmundsbury an extra £678.
• A regional income tax to bankroll the East of England Regional Assembly
• 200 per cent council tax on second homes.
• A ‘dog tax’ by introducing expensive new dog licences.
• Soaring parish council precepts on council tax bills.
• A double whammy inheritance tax, through extension of capital gains tax on death.
• A new levy on hotels across St Edmundsbury and Mid Suffolk.
• A plastic bags tax which could cost a typical family almost £80 a year alone.
• Congestion taxes of £5 a day like in London.
• Workplace parking taxes - £150 a year to park at work.
• Abolition of tax relief on pensions for higher-rate earners.
• VAT on new homes – adding £11,000 to the cost of buying a new home in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket.
David Ruffley explained:
“The soaring level of tax will be in the key issue in the forthcoming general election. I strongly believe that Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket deserve a better deal from Whitehall and that people are fed up with the backdoor taxes introduced by this Labour Government. BUT LIBERAL DEMOCRATS’ PLANS TO STING LOCAL RESIDENTS WHO DRIVE, WALK THEIR DOG, SHOP, OR WORK ARE NOT THE ANSWER.”
Notes to Editors
The full dossier outlining the Liberal Democrats’ plans for new taxes is available online at:
http://www.conservatives.com/pdf/TheLibDemTaxSting.pdf (PDF file)