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11 October 2004

Ruffley says “Its time for less talk and more action from your government”

Local Conservatives support keynote policies in the ‘timetable for action’

David Ruffley, who attended the Conservative Party Conference in Bournemouth last week endorsed the series of policies unveiled at the Conference. A “timetable for action” draws together pledges unveiled over the week, outlining concrete action in the key policy areas of health, education, crime, Europe, immigration and tax. Nationally, over one million leaflets summarising the Conservative agenda will be sent out to voters over the coming days - including local residents in Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket.

David Ruffley explained:

“Tony Blair has lost the trust of the British people, raised taxes yet failed to improve our public services. It is time for a government which is honest and a government that residents across Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket can trust. We need to hand power back from politicians to people – to doctors, nurses, teachers, parents and families. Conservatives are now ready to deliver – we will ensure less talk, and more action.”

The policies cover the major issues in the forthcoming campaign for the general election, expected next spring. The pledges include:

• Action on schools: Within the first day of a Conservative Government, we will set out plans to give head teachers the power to expel disruptive pupils. This will restore discipline.

• Action on Europe: Within the first day, we will set a date for the referendum on the European Constitution. This will give people the opportunity to say “no” to Europe having more control of our lives.

• Action on crime: Within the first week, we will announce the end of Labour’s early release scheme which lets criminals out of prison early. This will cut crime.

• Action on immigration: Within the first month, we will introduce legislation to give priority to people who want to come here to work hard and make a positive contribution, like they do in Australia. This will bring immigration under control.

• Action on tax: Within the first month, our Budget will cut wasteful government spending. This will give taxpayers value for money and stop Labour’s third term tax rises.

• Action on hospitals: Within the first month, we will introduce legislation to give patients the Right to Choose cleaner, better hospitals. This will raise standards in the NHS.

“I believe what residents of Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket want are school discipline, more police, cleaner hospitals, lower taxes, and most importantly, accountability by the politicians they elect. These are some of the key issues that will dominate the forthcoming general election campaign in Bury St Edmunds, Stowmarket and the surrounding villages.”

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